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A list of all pages that have property "Detailed schedule and contents" with value "La conferencia ha sido gravada y sera pronto puesta a dispocion". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Proyecto Apoyo Activo, Mexico  + (Domingo 1 de Julio: 8 am hasta que se conf
    Domingo 1 de Julio: 8 am hasta que se confirmen los resultados electorales Instalación de módulos - Escucha Activa: primeros auxilios psicológicos y apoyo sororario - Atención a violencias de género en línea y en persona: En jitsi y signal prestaremos asesoría. - Espacio de bienestar y de descanso express: Tendremos cobijas y almohadas para descansar un rato. Adicionalmente proporcionaremos ejercicios de bienestar cada hora de forma general a la brigada.
    r cada hora de forma general a la brigada.)
  • Taller de Software libre, autodefensa digital y seguridad feminista, Medellín-Colombia  + (Durante 3 sesiones fuimos pensando en cómo
    Durante 3 sesiones fuimos pensando en cómo se comporta la seguridad y la vulnerabilidad en nuestras experiencias. Revisamos herramientas concretas, como Tails, Signal, Thunderbird y Enigmail, KeePass, Tor, complementos de Firefox, entre otras. También desarrollamos los contenidos del fanzine que recoge lo abordado en el taller.
    nzine que recoge lo abordado en el taller.)
  • Jornadas de autocuidado feminista. Cuidado físico, emocional y digital, Colombia  + (DÍA 1 Juegos de conocimiento y confia
    DÍA 1 Juegos de conocimiento y confianza Análisis de contexto Valoración de amenazas,riesgos,vulnerabilidades e impacto Medidas de seguridad en situaciones específicas Seguridad digital básica (teléfono, correo y navegación) Actividad de cuidado emocional DÍA 2 Juegos de conocimiento y confianza Defensa Personal feminista Hacker Space Actividad de cierre emocional
    r Space Actividad de cierre emocional)
  • Charla, privacidad, seguridad digital y ciberfeminismos, Sevilla  + (El aumento del uso de las TIC para rastrea
    El aumento del uso de las TIC para rastrear, controlar, atacar y censurar las voces y opiniones de las mujeres en Internet, sea por parte de instituciones gubernamentales, actores no estatales, conocidos y familiares, se ha vuelto endémico. Este contexto en el cual se renuevan antiguas formas de violencia, y se generan nuevas formas, requiere de nuevas estrategias, saberes y prácticas para poder mitigarlas y sobrepasarlas. Aunque las herramientas de privacidad y seguridad importan mucho, hemos podido verificar que lo más importante para mantener buenas prácticas a través del tiempo radica en los procesos de soporte y solidaridad mutua y en el cambio de actitudes mentales. La privacidad y la seguridad sólo se consiguen a través de un trabajo colaborativo y partiendo de una perspectiva integral de la seguridad que tenga en cuenta también la integridad física y el bienestar emocional de las personas. En esta charla se presentarán las experiencias derivadas del programa de acción intitulado “Asegurando Libertades para la Mujer: Expresión, Privacidad e Inclusión Digital” coordinado por la ONG Tactical Tech y cuyo trabajo ha sido apoyado por organizaciones como Association for Progressive Communications (APC) bajo su Programa de Derechos de Mujeres, SAFE (de IREX), Protection International, Red Consorcio Oaxaca, GIZ, Donestech, Enredadas, Sentimos Diverso. Este programa ha permitido trabajar directamente con más de 150 defensoras de derechos humanos y mujeres net-activistas localizadas en 32 países en África, América Latina y Centroamérica, MENA y Asia. La finalidad ha sido la de encontrar soluciones a la tendencia global de utilizar las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) para generar y/o amplificar violencia de género y violencia contra las mujeres y niñas.
    ro y violencia contra las mujeres y niñas.)
  • FemHack Bogotá 2016  + (El plan es dedicarnos a trabajar en la vi
    El plan es dedicarnos a trabajar en la visibilización de colombianas a través de la creación y/o mejora de artículos biográficos en Wikipedia, la caza de redacciones machistas, sexistas o misóginas en Wikipedia (ej. estado civil, número de hijos) para hacer capturas de #AlertaMachitroll y editarlas. También tendremos tiempo para reunirnos entorno a la radio y la música con la mesa de radio en vivo con perspectiva de género y PlayList femenina. Para finalizar revisaremos la caja de herramientas antirepresiva y el Juego Compa del colectivo A Las Calles Sin Miedo.
    ompa del colectivo A Las Calles Sin Miedo.)
  • Taller, Respuestas creativas a violencia on-line, La Plata, Argentina  + (El taller comienza con una ronda de presen
    El taller comienza con una ronda de presentaciones personales, motivaciones y expectativas y una lluvia de ideas en torno a tipos de violencia que han vivido, acompañado u observado las participantes del taller. En grupo buscamos entender patrones comunes a algunas violencias y ver si es posible crear ejes que aglutinen a varias de ellas. La facilitadora expone distintas técnicas accesibles en su mayoría desde plataformas on-line, que sirven para producir contradiscursos (gif's, memes, videos, audios, micro-videos), se trata de tecnologías baratas y accesibles y que además son de rápida producción. A partir de entonces se agrupan las participantes en grupos de a dos, tres o máximo cuatro personas, para enfocarse en un eje concreto de violencia y se inicia la práctica y producción. Se producen una cierta cantidad de materiales, los comentamos en grupo, y volvemos a cambiar de grupos, ejes y creamos más.
    s a cambiar de grupos, ejes y creamos más.)
  • Taller taller de redes sociales y seguridad, Colombia  + (Empezamos el taller con la actividad de "L
    Empezamos el taller con la actividad de "La maraña", con una madeja de lana va saltando de persona a persona que interviene formando una red/maraña, cada uno dice uno de los componentes físicos que forma parte de un aparato celular. Cuando tenemos esa parte, complementamos con las partes que no han sido nombradas. De las partes nombradas las relacionamos con el tipo de información que genera o recoge. Posteriomente iniciamos una conversación a partir de la telaraña que se ha formado, introduciendo el término de red. Recogemos la lana y hablamos de qué son las redes sociales y cómo funcionan. Para hablar de cómo funcionan hacemos una pequeña explicación de por dónde viaja la información utilizando las targetas que del sobre del IGT. Con la descripción realizada, recogemos las huellas que ellos piensan que dejan en su comunicación, a partir de ahí introducimos la diferencia entre privacidad y seguridad en la comunicación, previamente se detectó que el uso del Whatsapp y Facebook son los medios que más utilizan a parte de las llamadas. Finalizamos compartiendo tips: contraseña, diferenciar el nivel de sensibilidad de la info, uso de programas seguros, opciones de seguridad.
    programas seguros, opciones de seguridad.)
  • Epu Txawün Pichikeche por una Infancia Libre y sin Represión, Wallmapu  + (En el pdf adjunto pueden leer acerca de to
    En el pdf adjunto pueden leer acerca de todas las actividades realizadas en el encuentra. Destacamos el taller de seguridad digital realizado para los adultos del txawun pichikeche, específicamente los líderes de los territorios presentes. Se plantearon los temas de seguridad en cada uno de sus focos físicos, organización y digital y de como esta ha afectado en sus proceso de lucha y de como también el día de hoy se utilizan los métodos utilizados por los antiguos para poder levantar los procesos de lucha. Se plantea la importancia de conocer más sobre la tecnología y sus eventuales utilizarla sin riesgos de cuidados, planteando así realizar el taller de forma más cerrada en cada territorio y con quienes requieren adquirir el aprendizaje y de esta forma ellos hacer entrega de los aprendizajes a cada territorio al que pertenecen.
    zajes a cada territorio al que pertenecen.)
  • Jornada de Autocuidado y Autoconocimiento para mujeres, wallmapu  + (Esta jornada/taller desarrollo las siguien
    Esta jornada/taller desarrollo las siguientes ámbitos: • Reconocer mejor los estados emocionales propios y de los demás • Desarrollar el manejo consciente de las emociones • Aprender a activar e inducir las emociones en nosotras • Neutralizar la emoción, pudiendo conseguir a voluntad el “silencio emocional” • Identificar los patrones respiratorios, posturales y faciales que acompañan cada emoción básica • Desarrollar el arte de reconocer, expresar, moderar y transformar nuestras emociones como guía de un accionar que nos proporcione mayor bienestar. Incorporamos técnicas de terapia corporal emocional, pues desde niñas se nos ha enseñado a reprimir nuestras emociones para ser socialmente aceptadas. Hemos aprendido que la pena, la rabia y el miedo son negativas y debemos evitar sentirlas. Esconder nuestras emociones nos lleva a volvernos insensibles, a perder nuestra conexión con los otros y con nosotras mismas, a dejar ciclos Incorporaremos técnicas de terapia corporal emocional, pues desde niñas se nos ha enseñado a reprimir nuestras emociones para ser socialmente aceptadas. Hemos aprendido que la pena, la rabia y el miedo son negativas y debemos evitar sentirlas. Esconder nuestras emociones nos lleva a volvernos insensibles, a perder nuestra conexión con los otros y con nosotras mismas, a dejar ciclos abiertos y a arrastrar situaciones inconclusas. Nuestro verdadero yo está oculto bajo una gruesa coraza, nuestra cuerpa necesita expresar lo que siente, de lo contrario se enferma. Exploramos distintas técnicas basadas en los estudios de Reich y Lowen que nos permitieron ir liberándonos de nuestra coraza, pudiendo expresar emociones y desbloquear contracturas que formamos desde la infancia. Cerramos la jornada con danza primal, que nos permitió auto explorar, a través, del movimiento nuestras memorias moleculares profundas, liberando sus energías de manera sanadora e integrando cada chakra. Todo esto potencia nuestro trabajo Político y Propone un Feminismo Territorial que nace desde wallmapu, que comienza por hacerse cargo primero de nuestro cuerpo territorio. Este constate trabajo que va de lo personal a lo colectivo y de lo íntimo a lo Político; genera un trabajo como orgánica que se auto sustenta y perdura y se potencia en el tiempo.
    enta y perdura y se potencia en el tiempo.)
  • Taller sobre seguridad física, digital y demás chiches tecno-feministas, Paraguay  + (Estructura del taller Introducción (20 min
    Estructura del taller Introducción (20 mins) - Ida - Importancia de la seguridad. ¿Por qué es importante la privacidad y la seguridad digital para las organizaciones ylas activistas?  Primera parte (1:00 horas) - Alfa - Qué es el internet, cómo funciona. Expansión de la misma. Formas de control y procesamiento de datos. Cómo cuidarmi identidad virtual. Quétener en cuenta cuandonavego en internet. - Medios seguros para comunicaciones Origen de Internet Uso de Internet y su crecimiento en el tiempo, para conocer quienes son sus dueños, con qué intereses se creó internet y los peligros que la misma representa. Modelo OSI, (sistema de capas) con pautas a seguir c¡por cada fabricante para que sus productos se pudieran comunicar entre sí, dando origen al intercambio deinformación en forma masiva y cada vez mas inmediata. La Falsa Nube. Se explica donde se almacena y por donde pasa toda la información que se transmite por internet. AGrupacion de computadores (servidores con grancapacidad de almacenamiento).  Lista de servidores feministas Tecnología vs Privacidad: reconocimiento facial, correo electrónico, dirección IP, GPS y Apps de mensajería.- Para que sirve nuestra información? estadísticas, auditorias, marketing, Herramientas de censura/contro. A partir de ello se desarrolló una especie de ciencia que sedenomima como Business Intelligence. Big Data como herramienta de censura y control.- Que información tiene Facebook sobre nosotras? El caso Cambridge Analytica y su influencia en las elecciones presidenciales norteamericanas Aplicaciones de mensajeria segura Internet de las Cosas. Casas inteligentes, autos inteligentes. La información que absorben y las actividades deperfilamiento de nuestras rutinas diarias. Almuerzo (1:30 mins) Segunda parte (1:30 horas) - Eugenia y Elena (revisen por fa la ley Ley 5.777 de Protección integral a las mujerescontra toda forma de violencia, Artículo 6, inciso L) De la violencia análoga a la violencia digital - Que se entiende por violencia de género digital. Sus diferencia con la violencia telemática. Diferencia con la violencia psicológica y  simbólica. - Conductas dañosas: doxing, difusión no consentida de material íntimo, acoso digital, hackeo de redes sociales, trolling, vigilancia y control edtatal y de empresas capitalistas, apps que refuerzan los estereotiupos, brecha de gènero de gènero digital, etc. - Protocolo de actuación primaria frente a delitos/conductas dañosas machistas en internet. - Derechos conculcados. Nuevos derechos humanos digitales. Herramientas legales y mecanismos de denuncia.(La perspectiva legal ante lasviolencias digitales,experiencias concretas y perspectivas para analizar en Paraguay) - Manejo de evidencia digital. Preservar los id de las publicaciones que querramos denunciar. Herramientas OSINT. caja de herramientas ciberpatrulla.com. Página de certificaciones online con blockchain. la importancia de contar con perito informático. Tor- DUck Duck Go para celular instalar Orbot Orfox Contar con organizaciones sociales que actuan de intermediarias entre Facebook Cono Sur y la comunidad para agilizar canal de denuncia ante baja de perfiles de compañeras o denunciar contenido Herramienta de almacenamiento de contraseñas Keepass COrreo seguro: riseup o proton mail  Café (20 mins) Tercera parte (2:30 horas) - Todas -Práctica para ver qué tienen público, privado, filtros.
    ver qué tienen público, privado, filtros.)
  • FemH3ck - Basic privacy and digital security for feminist & LGTBQIA, Indonesia  + (Feminist Hack Days To End Violence Against
    Feminist Hack Days To End Violence Against Women & LGBT AGENDA Day 1: Feminist Hackathon #femhack 23 May 2015 Time Session 09:30 – 09:55 Registration 09:55 – 10:15 Opening and Introduction 10:15 – 11:45 Digital Privacy – Presentation and Discussion 11:45 – 13:00 Online Violence Against Women & LGBT - Presentation 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 14:30 Online Violence Against Women & LGBT – Sharing Experience 14:30 – 15:30 Discussion 15:30 – 16:00 Break 16:00 – 17:00 Social Media Survey 17:00 – 17:30 Conclusion & Review Day 2: Digital Security Training 24 May 2015 Time Session 10:00 – 10:30 Women in Tech - Presentation 10:30 – 11:00 How the Internet Works & Digital Communication Model 11:00 – 12:00 Strong Password - Keepass 12:00 – 13:00 Circumvention Tools 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 14:30 Circumvention Tools 14:30 – 15:30 Privacy & Anonymity 15:30 – 16:00 Break 16:00 – 17:00 Be safe online – Share your strategy! 17:00 – 17:30 Review Day 3: Digital Security Training 25 May 2015 Waktu Session 09:30 – 13:00 Secure Mail & PGP 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 13:30 – 15:00 Secure Mail & PGP, Key signing party 15:00 – 16:00 OTR (Off-The-Record) Messaging 16:00 – 16:15 Break 16:15 – 18:00 Mobile Security 18:00 – 18:30 Review
    18:00 Mobile Security 18:00 – 18:30 Review)
  • Digital security and privacy session - Geek Girl festival, Kenya  + (Focus on feedback objectives, especially on the online and offline safe spaces. So that feedback compilation does not only come from the trainer's point of view but also from participants.)
  • Digital security trainings for female students, Pakistan  + (For those women who already have access to
    For those women who already have access to Internet and mobiles, it’s important to make full use of it. Digital Rights Foundation envisions a place where all people, and especially women, are able to exercise their right of expression without being threatened and we strongly believe that open access to internet with access to information and impeccable privacy policies can encourage such a healthy and productive environment that would eventually help not only women, but the world at large. Through Tactical Technology Travel grant, “Hamara Internet” will travel to 5 universities in five provinces of the country and conduct awareness raising sessions with 50 to 70 women in each university. Hamara Internet has already conducted several sessions with women not only in urban parts of the country but also remote areas as well. Sessions were designed to raise awareness around making digital spaces a secure, progressive and open platform for Pakistani women. Sessions will address issues such as: 1. Ensuring access of information technology for women. (FREEDOM) 2. Facilitating women/girls on digital security, safety and privacy. (SUPPORT) 3. Creating awareness regarding legal protection from online harassment or abuse. (PROTECTION) Overall Objective: Prevention and Protection against online violence: To prevent cyber harassment and to promote better understanding of using safe and secure Internet. Capacity Building: To build young women's ability to influence internet companies and mobile phone operators to develop corporate user policies and practices that respect women's rights. Equitable Access to ICTs: To enhance equitable access to (Information and Communication) ICTs in Pakistan. Empowerment and Championing online access: Producing women ICT leaders to serve as advocates for the benefits of open access to safe and secure. Expected Results: Better understanding of cyber crimes law and how women can attain legal remedies Better access to internet and ICTs securely and safely Gender oriented National ICTs Policies and Laws Massive awareness raising of open source digital security tools and online resources Identifying women leaders who will initiate the same process within their communities, organizations and educational institutes
    , organizations and educational institutes)
  • Hackerspace Feminista. Quito, Ecuador  + (Fue un espacio de encuentro, volvernos a v
    Fue un espacio de encuentro, volvernos a ver y recordar la gran experiencia que vivimos en el IGT, con la excusa de hacer una jornada de instalación. Al ser una sábado, la llegada de las participantes ocurrió durante 2 horas. No teníamos mucho tiempo, ni muchas maquinas para migrar, así que con dos maquinas que llevaban las compañeras hicimos algunos intentos. Tuvimos un inconveniente con una maquina que no logramos revivir, es una Lenovo idepad 100s, desde entonces no arranca y dice que esta activo el bitlocker, otro reto más con los malditos DRM Digital Rights/Restrictions Management.
    RM Digital Rights/Restrictions Management.)
  • F3mhack - Hacktona Feminista, Sao Paulo, Brasil  + (Hackatona Feminista - 23/05/2015 13h - 16
    Hackatona Feminista - 23/05/2015 13h - 16h OFICINA 1. Apresentação basica de segurança e de todas as ferramentas - 13h - 14h 2. Divisão em grupos por ferramentas específicas - 14h - 16h 1. Navegação segura - complementos para browser 1. criptografia de email 1. criptografia de arquivos 1. chat seguro 1. o que fazer com o celular 16h - 20h HACKDAY 1. Fala de abertura Privacidade: por que ela é importante? Explicar e expor a importância a segurança da informação, por que ela é uma aliada. Desvincular a ideia de que as ferramentas são chatas, difíceis e inacessíveis e enquadrá-las como importantes e legais. Mostrar como essas ferramentas contribuem para o cotidiano do nosso ativismo e nossa vida prática. 2. Espaço de criação de comunicação Objetivo: Desenvolver novas linguagens para aproximas mulheres e LGBTs de segurança da informação e privacidade. Despertar reflexões sobre narrativas eficazes para tratar do assunto. “Como você chamaria uma amiga para se envolver com SI?” Estrura da discussão: 3 eixos - Por que SI é importante para você como indivíduo (privacidade, proteção dos dados pessoais)? - Por que SI é importante para você como mulher? - Porque SI é importante para seu grupo/coletivo?
    e SI é importante para seu grupo/coletivo?)
  • Training about gender, privacy and security for WHRD, Nicaragua  + (IA 1 Sábado 23 de Abril 9:30 - 10:00 Bien
    IA 1 Sábado 23 de Abril 9:30 - 10:00 Bienvenida y puesta en contexto Gema Presentación de la agenda y reglas de convicencia Alex 10:00 - 11:00 Tu relación entre el género y las tec Dinámica en parejas. Cuéntense - Tu inicio en las tecnologías, experiencias de uso y para qué las uso 11:00 - 11:15 BREAK REFRIGERIO 11:15 - 12:15 Cómo produces datos Nube de palabras y percepciones ¿Qué queremos proteger, qué datos, qué procedimientos? Dinámica de mapa de información 12:15 - 13:00 Diseño de las sesiones basándose en los mapas de necesidades y riesgos 13:00 - 15:00 ALMUERZO 15:00 - 15:30 Sesión 1 ¿Cómo funciona internet? Dinámica Circulación de tus datos 15:30 - 16:00 Sesión 2 Encriptación - Anonimidad, Contraseñas Seguras dinámica de baile virus, antivirus y cifrado 16:00 -16:15 BREAK REFRIGERIO 16:15 - 17:15 Sesión 3 Redes Sociales o Encriptación redes sociales ¿cuáles y cuántas usas? paso adelante y paso atrás según qué tipo de redes usas analizar riesgos y beneficios de las más usadas ¿esta RS te permite usar seudónimo? ¿esta RS es clara con sus términos y condiciones? ¿permite etiquetar sin consentimiento? analizar configuraciones de seguridad de cómo usas tú esa RS geolocalización objetivos de la sesión - distinguir entre datos más públicos y más privados (cosas de un colectivo // cosas personales). problematizar si las redes sociales son espacios públicos o no. - cómo visibilizarse sin exponerse a una misma - poner a otras personas en riesgo - metadatos. pensar en la memoria de la red ¿es tuya? ¿es de ellos? - contraseñas - memoria ¿de quién es la memoria? a partir de estas preguntas desarrollar protocolos simples para reducir riesgos y vulnerabilización 17:15 - 17:30 Conclusiones de la sesión y evaluación de + y D DIA 2 Domingo 24 de Abril 9:30 - 10:00 Revisión de la agenda, ajustes y recordar 10:00 - 11:00 Sesión 4 Móviles - Gestión de mi dispositivo o Sesión 4 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos 11:00 - 11:15 BREAK REFRIGERIO 11:15 - 12:15 Sesión 5 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos 12:15 - 13:00 Sesión 6 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos 13:00 - 14:30 ALMUERZO 14:30 - 15:30 Siguientes pasos 15:30 - 16:30 Conclusiones y siguientes pasos REFRIGERIO
    Conclusiones y siguientes pasos REFRIGERIO)
  • Talk Magic trick: how to make the women disappear, Transmit Festival, Praha  + (In a time of shiny interfaces behind which
    In a time of shiny interfaces behind which things happen as if by magic – taxis arrive, groceries get delivered, love is found – there are acts of disappearance as well: women disappear from within the system they inhabit. This talk will uncover some of these magic tricks. In the context of Tactical Tech’s work on digital security and privacy, the talk will show how women’s experiences of online harm, violence and discrimination are made to disappear, and the efforts we’re making to help them reappear.
    fforts we’re making to help them reappear.)
  • Talk, Training to privacy advocacy and digital security from a gender perspective, IFF, Valencia, Spain  + (In this session, we will begin by present
    In this session, we will begin by presenting which have been the main learning outcomes gained during the project which are divided between conceptual learning and good practices for including gender into training activities. We will then present the overall research design of the project, presenting key concepts, defining the scope, research questions and the methodological approach followed for its implementation. And finally, we will highlight in particular the key achievements and outcomes in relation to individual trajectories but also collective actions achieved on the ground and how to develop impact assessment methodologies that are embedded in the whole process. We will then discuss the experiences of the people in the room in relation to their work and needs for including gender into their respective fields of action, this will enable to map privacy and digital security related projects which are trying to include gender in their work and it will enable to foreseen possible synergies and partnerships among them.
    ble synergies and partnerships among them.)
  • Tracking your period: Data economy and the risks for privacy and security of (very) personal data  + (Introduction Going around and asking peop
    Introduction Going around and asking people if they use a tracker, or not, and why they chose to attend this session. (each letter below stands for a participant) D: used a period tracker once when she got off birth control – used for a few months – didn't find it particularly helpful connecting my period to an app on my phone O: never used tracker but knows people who do because their periods are irregular E: so no need for period trackers but is very curious about the development of applications for this M uses one, but only to research it; mentions what kinds of data were collected by Clue, which is also based in Berlin. D: does use a period tracker but wants to know more about how it works. W wanted to know: she knows nothing about apps but is very interested in data protection issues D: experience of having worked on analysis of apps for the ARROW bulletin on SRHR, sexuality and the internet The research for the article lead us to question how much data (especially metadata) is being collected by these applications. Who the companies share the data with when they say third party organizations. Going beyond the data, how the algorithms are developed and being used to process the data and what that means in terms of notifications sent out to the users. Is it based on data points collected from all the users and analyzed together? There is a lack of clarity how the data and notifications are pushed out to users and whether it's based on some scientific process. Also added points to the research centers and what they are doing with the collected data.. elaborated on that issue in the discussion below. Discussion points: M: The idea that a woman entrepreneur makes a period tracker, or any tech that is for women, somehow suggests that because a woman made or developed the app, it is somehow better and more ethical. Why are we so deterministic? Some women, as in the case of Clue, are just business women Questions about membership and data sharing. Most of these apps are based on a significant data business model. They collect data for further resale and sharing. Only Clue allows the user to store data offline on their phone and not share it, or to share it via with Cloud. M: Is the data being collected used to push messages to change behaviour? E: what sort of collectivity do we want – we may want to know about what happens when we have pain, feel the craving for carbs, have sensitive breasts. The social and collective space is quite valuable for women, or at least knowing other women's experiences can be quite useful when shared. Maya shared that with the use of Clue, most popular among young women, enables a sort of collective sharing and discussion through the medium of the app. The information women have and share could be useful and it helps to talk to others – what kind of collectivity is being promoted through this? Is it on women's terms? Is collectivity being enabled or reduced through the app? Ethical issues around collecting data through apps. Clue is an app that says it wants to share the data they collect with public health research institutes like Columbia University's School of Public Health in the interest of furthering scientific knowledge about women's health, a notoriously difficutt topic to research and collect data on. However, it is unclear what sorts of norms and guidelines govern this sort of research. How do Columbia and other universities rationalise the use of data collected in this way? What kinds of research ethics are in place for data collected through mobile phone apps in non research, ie not controlled setting? This process is opaque to users or anyone else. O: is it possible that young women who already feel pressure to be normal will feel even more pressure to be normal? Is it a good thing in this day and age when young women face pressure? D: Also talked about how free basics and Facebook is now adding similar applications for women who are not connected to the internet to access information and collect further data. How does that influence the overall global data being collected when apps move beyond well connected areas and women with smart phones to other countries in the world with limited connectivity. How do these apps and information influence these women. Also noted was the fact that Facebook requires all third party apps to share the data collected through them. J: What if we start thinking about this differently. What does a feminist app look like? Maybe a feminist app would ask different questions, collect and share information differently.
    collect and share information differently.)
  • Workshop: Health, sexuality, algorithms and data  + (Introduction: - Big Data - Algorithms/mach
    Introduction: - Big Data - Algorithms/machine learning - Data capitalism Activity I: - Each participant would draw on a sheet of paper the equipments and services they used everyday - Discussion about apps and serivces business models Activity II: - How to analyze apps? Break up in groups to analyze different health apps (like sick weather, periodtrackers, pregnancy/baby apps, sports apps etc) - Share analysis between groups Wrap up
    ) - Share analysis between groups Wrap up)
  • Encryption trainings for journalists, Mexico  + (It was a 4 hours workshop oriented at jour
    It was a 4 hours workshop oriented at journalists working for a news portal. Their primary means of communication to deliver news is the email but they were suspicious that their emails were being infiltrated by the competition and government agencies because some of their secrete communication appeared first in other journals and because there have been many intrusions attempts into their servers. The purpose of the this workshop was simply to learn to encrypt their mail. It was oriented at people that has a hiugh level of access and use of ICT. The workshop was held Friday during extra hours time once the portal edition of 6PM was over. This workshop was harder because although journalists were somehow aware of the risks, there was not such a clear idea and interest for combating threats. There was a highly pragmatic perspective that if the implementation of those DST were too time consuming in daily base they would be impossible to use for their journalistic duties. In this case I felt I needed documentation to give to them about the risks journalists are subjected because of not securing their digital security tools. It also felt super important to offer to journalists targeted trainings that can fit thoir agenda and be highly personalized in order to accompany them in that process. These experiences have prompted me to finally open the ADA community space (www.ada.org.mx) for one day a week in order to advise / join / share digital security elements in a playful way beginning by the meetings “Saturday and hacking craft beer”. Those have been held during the last three weeks and have been very positive. Soon more plans coming on the agenda that we will be sharing with you Take care
    hat we will be sharing with you Take care)
  • Conmemoración dos años impunidad asesinato Macarena Valdes, Chile  + (La actividad buscaba conmemorar a Macarena
    La actividad buscaba conmemorar a Macarena como una mujer, activista que siempre compartió sus distintos saberes con su comunidad; entonces propusimos hacer varios talleres entre ellos seguridad digital dirigido específicamente a líderes, activistas, integrantes de comunidades y de resistencias en contra de centrales hidroeléctricas y proyectos extractivitas. En definitiva entregar herramientas de estrategias que protejan la comunicación de personas que pueden estar siendo perseguidas por sus activismos en pro de la tierra, el territorio y derechos humanos.
    tierra, el territorio y derechos humanos.)
  • Seguridad digital para grupos por el derecho a decidir  + (La actividad inición con un proceso de diá
    La actividad inición con un proceso de diálogo sobre el contexto que se vive en relación al activismo que se practica, algunos de los ataques detectados y necesidades. En base a las necesidades se configuraron algunas acciones inmediatas para poder mitigar riesgos.
    nes inmediatas para poder mitigar riesgos.)
  • Taller Seguridad Digital, RED de Grupos de Mujeres Rurales, Uruguay  + (La agenda detallada esta adjuntada en el pdf anterior)
  • Primer Encuentro de Defensa Personal Feminista, Bogota, Colombia  + (La colectiva facilitó el taller de Segurid
    La colectiva facilitó el taller de Seguridad digital, al cuál acudieron 35 mujeres. Creemos que el taller fluyó muy bien, existe una necesidad clara de pensar la autodefensa feminista en todos los ámbitos , la protección de nosotras se extiende en la vida cotidiana, y uno de los puntos vulnerables en las organizaciones se reconoce que es la parte digital. Ahora todas las asistentes tiene una estrategia de seguridad digital para sus acciones En realidad fue muy emocionante poder compartir en torno al tema, porque existe una necesidad clara de reflexionar y reconocer la autodefensa feminista como una estrategia de acción para los diferentes feminismos, contra el capitalismo patriarcal heteronormado.
    a el capitalismo patriarcal heteronormado.)
  • Editatona Mujeres Nicas  + (La jornada de la Editatona Mujeres Nicas t
    La jornada de la Editatona Mujeres Nicas tiene dos momentos. Comenzamos desde cero, con el taller ¿Cómo editar Wikipedia?, donde estaremos creando nuestros perfiles de usuaria y comprendiendo mejor la dinámica de la plataforma, sus principios y cómo se debe estructurar el contenido. Luego pasamos a una sesión de creación y edición de biografías sobre mujeres nicaragüenses, 5 horas de Manos a la Obra para trabajar colectivamente y aprender las unas de las otras.
    ivamente y aprender las unas de las otras.)
  • Motivando a la Gyal, Medellin, Colombia  + (Miércoles 19 Abril en Proyecto NN (San Joa
    Miércoles 19 Abril en Proyecto NN (San Joaquin Circular 3 # 66 B -136, Medellín) 10:00 a.m -12 Software Libre y seguridad Digital Por Julieta Rodriguez 2:00 p.m -4:00 p.m Experimentación Textil por Maria Salome 5:00 p.m -7:00 p.m Ginecología Natural por Laura Tejada. 7:00 p.m -8:30 p.m Diseño de Jardines por Sofía Montoya Jueves 20 Abril en Platohedro (Buenos Aires Calle 49a # 36-93) 10:00 a.m -12m Carpintería por Sara Ramirez. 2:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m Taller de Fanzine 4:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m Conciencia femenina y autocuidado Por Laura Tejada 6:30 p.m -8:30 p.m Defensa Personal Por Luu Viernes 21 Abril en Platohedro (Buenos Aires Calle 49a # 36-93) 10:00 a.m -12m Con la comida si se Juegue Por Cori 2:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m Feminismo, Caos y Cuerpo Por Lina Mejía 4:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m El Cine y la mujer en Colombia Laura Mora 6:00 p.m -8:00 p.m Anarquismo y Poder Por Alejandra R. Sábado 22 abril en Platohedro (Buenos Aires Calle 49a # 36-93) 10:00 a.m -12m Artes Marciales Mixtas por Dulfary Smir 2:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m Formulación de Proyectos por Cecilia Cardona 4:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m Agricultura y siembra por Sintropía 6:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m Encuadernación por Katty Party cierre. Djs invitadas Domingo 23 de Abril Club de Billares EuroSam (Envigado) 2:00 p.m – 4:00 pm Taller de tizas sobre el asfalto por Natasha Jaramillo 4:00 p.m – 6:00 pm Taller de Billar por Claudia Marcela Lalinde R. (Actual Campeona Nacional en la modalidad a tres bandas)
    na Nacional en la modalidad a tres bandas))
  • Webinar, HerNetHerRights, online conference  + (Moderator: Pierrette Pape, Policy & Ca
    Moderator: Pierrette Pape, Policy & Campaigns Director, European Women’s Lobby Alexandra Hache, PhD, Spain, Project Coordinator at TacticalTech, will discuss the different forms of online violence and paradigms of analysis At Tactical Tech, Alex coordinates the project "Securing Online and Offline Freedoms for Women: Expression, Privacy and Digital Inclusion." She is a sociologist and a researcher on ICT for the public good, and holds a PhD in social economy. For the last decade, she has been involved in the development of cyberfeminist collectives and technological sovereignty initiatives for social and political transformation within neighbourhood communities, engaged research networks, social movements and women’s groups. Elisabeth Kate Mc Guinness is a research assistant at the European Institute for Gender Equality where she co-wrote the 2017 report on cyber violence against women and girls. She holds a Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation with a specialisation in Gender Relations. Her interests include image-based abuse, ‘redpilling,’ and reproductive rights.’ Nicole Shephard, PhD, UK, will talk about the feminist implications of big data and privacy, and is an independent researcher, writer and consultant interested in the intersections between gender and technology. Her work takes a feminist perspective on the politics of data, privacy and surveillance. She holds a PhD in Gender (LSE) and an MSc in International Development (University of Bristol). Follow her on Twitter. Emma Holten, Danish activist and revenge porn survivor, on her experience and strategies is an online human rights activist and editor at Friktion Magasin. After being a victim of non-consensual pornography in 2011, she became aware of the pitfalls of structural oppression and gendered online violence. This led to the activist project CONSENT, which became a viral success. She speaks on the democratic importance of an internet free of harassment and violations of privacy if we want to achieve full freedom of speech. She is 26 years old and lives in Copenhagen. Lie Junius, Director Public Policy and Government Relations, Google Belgium, on their work to combat online violence against women and girls ​ ​joined​ ​Google​ ​in​ ​November​ ​2015​ ​when​ ​she​ ​was​ ​appointed​ ​the​ ​new​ ​Director​ ​of​ ​Public Policy​ ​and​ ​Government​ ​Relations​ ​in​ ​Brussels.​ ​She​ ​has​ ​more​ ​than​ ​twenty​ ​years​ ​of​ ​European and​ ​international​ ​public​ ​affairs​ ​experience.​ ​Before​ ​Google,​ ​Lie​ ​led​ ​Government​ ​Affairs​ ​in​ ​EMEA for​ ​Goodyear​ ​Dunlop​ ​from​ ​2008,​ ​and​ ​also​ ​managed​ ​Corporate​ ​Communications.​ ​Previously,​ ​Lie was​ ​Senior​ ​Vice​ ​President​ ​of​ ​Government​ ​Relations​ ​for​ ​ABN​ ​Amro​ ​Bank​ ​and​ ​worked​ ​in​ ​the Government​ ​Affairs​ ​Team​ ​of​ ​General​ ​Motors​ ​Europe.​ Essa Reijmers, Dutch expert to EWL Observatory on violence against women has been working on violence against women for nearly three decades. Since 1998 she has been working for Blijf Groep, one of the largest Dutch shelter-organizations, providing a range of services in two provinces, with 6 shelters and non-residential programs for both adults and children. Her focus at Blijf Groep has always been on innovation and development of new approaches, amongst which digital safety and systemic interventions (like the Orange House-approach). She participates in several networks on national level and is the Dutch delegate in the European Women’s Lobby Observatory, on behalf of the Dutch Women’s Council, NVR. She fill talk about SafetyNed. Salome Mbugua, Chair of the European Network of Migrant Women, will focus on the intersection of racism and sexism online. Advocate for human rights and gender Equality, Salome Mbugua is the founder and president of AkiDwA, the migrant women’s network in Ireland. Salome have served at various advisory board, expert groups and boards at European level and in Ireland. She is the chair of European network of migrant women and is a board member of the European Women’s Lobby. She is a former board member of Equality Authority, state board in Ireland and vice chair of National Women Council of Ireland. Salome is currently undertaking a doctorate research on conflict resolution and peacebuilding at Trinity College Dublin. Sodfa Daaji, youth activist in Italy, member of Afrika Youth Movement and of Youth4Abolition, will focus on the experience of young women. She is a 24 years old feminist, proud abolitionist and activist for women’s rights in Italy and Tunisia. She studies International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the University of Bologna. On march 2017 she has been elected as chairwoman of the Gender and Equality committee at Afrika Youth Movement. Her activism focuses particularly on human trafficking, migrant women and the relationship between Gender Equality and Religious Freedom. Céline Piques Feminist for a long time, since 2014 she is active with Osez le Féminisme! » a French feminist organisation with 26 branches across the country. In 2015, she coordinated the campaign « Marre du rose ! » (« Stop Pink ! » ) to denounce the stereotypes in the toys industry. Since 2016, she has been the webzine and newspaper editor-in-chief. In 2017, she worked on the campaign « Osez l’égalité » (Dare Equality) during the election period, and became spokeswoman of Osez le Féminisme ! Negin Nazem Zorromodi, youth activist, Sweden is an Information Technology student at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She also is a board member of the Stockholm women empowering center in Sweden, a former webmaster and app founder and a manager in the KTH Equality week. She has spoken about cyberviolence and methods to stop cyberviolence attacks. She also works with IT documentation and financial reporting at Novartis. She was a participant at the AGORA Young Feminist Summer School 2017, organised by the European Women’s Lobby, where she led a workshop about cyberviolence. Isabel Ventura, Portuguese expert to EWL Observatory on violence against women, on EWL recommendations Isabel holds a PhD. in Sociology from the University of Minho “Medusa at the Court house: images of women, sexuality and violence from the analysis of law in books and law in action” was awarded the “APAV Research Award 2016”. Presently, she is the coordinator of a Master course seminar about sex crimes at the Catholic University of Oporto, School of Law. She also coordinates, along with Maria do Mar Pereira, the network of emergent researchers from the Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies – APEM. She is the Portuguese expert of the Observatory of Violence Against Women at the European Women’s Lobby and is a member of the Editorial Board of Palgrave Communications. Check out her research. 11h15-12h15 - Tweetchat discussion Around 4 main topics: 11h15-11h30: a male-dominated digital world 11h30-11h45: links between sexist media and cyberVAWG 11h45-12h: initiatives on protection and justice 12h-12h15: recommendations Check out later video messages by: Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society Terry Reintke, MEP, on the European Parliament report on gender equality and empowering women in the digital age Karen Sadlier, psychologist, France, on the impact of cyber violence against women Save the date and join us to say NO to online violence against women and girls in Europe! Join us by following @EuropeanWomen!
    rope! Join us by following @EuropeanWomen!)
  • Gender and Technology Institute, Berlin  + (Morning Tracks Starting on Wednesday, you
    Morning Tracks Starting on Wednesday, you will have the option to choose between two tracks which you will continue with for the rest of the week “Training Skills” and “Privacy Advocacy”. 1. Privacy Advocacy This track has been designed to develop our understanding of digital privacy from a practical perspective. The aim is to strengthen our work as digital privacy advocates who can talk practically about the issues, what can be done and what this means in the context of our work. Each day we will combine discussion based learning with practical hands-on sessions and together not only learn from each other but build our confidence and skills as future advocates. Over five days, we will work to create some of the key building blocks that will help us better understand how technology, the infrastructure and the industry works and how to convince others to make better choices. We will start by looking behind the screens to see where our data goes, how the data industry works and explore our digital shadows. We will then look at surveillance, how it works practically and what this means for freedom of expression and association. Moving from behind the screens to what happens within them, we will look at online harassment and intimidation, particularly in the context of gender, and work together through strategies for handling this; from identity management to social media tactics. Finally, we will work on skills for advocating around privacy, influencing others and breaking down common arguments, such as 'nothing to hide' and 'national security' arguments. On the final morning, participants will be expected to prepare and lead a session on digital privacy and will receive feedback. Important to note that this track requires continuity through all learning sessions. 2. Training Skills This track, designed for participants relatively knowledgeable about digital security focuses on practicalities and best-practices of facilitating digital security trainings for human rights defenders and activists. The areas of focus will include: Training as a process, wherein we will explore the role and limitations of training on digital security, and best practices relating to agenda design, logistics, evaluation and more. We will highlight important principles of facilitation in the context of a holistic approach to security which recognises the central importance of well-being and broader best practices relating to security management and planning to a successful digital security training: How does a trainer deal with stress and trauma among participants, and how might these factors impact a participant's ability to learn? What are effective and ineffective ways to promote security in a learning environment, and what does gender justice in a digital security training look like? We will also focus on the different ways adults learn in order to prepare participants for how to deal with different styles and learning types, and design creative and interactive means of teaching sometimes dry and complicated technical concepts. It is important to note that this track requires continuity through all learning sessions. You can find here more details about the foreseen learning sessions that will compose this track. Afternoon Hands-On Digital Security and Privacy Tools The track on digital security and privacy tools is oriented towards all participants of the Institute and will split between those who already have basic knowledge and experiences with security tools and strategies and those who are already using them. The sessions here aim to explain complicated concepts (e.g how encryption works), help you understand how these can help you in your work, and teach you the available and trusted tools to do it. This track will also host install party sessions in order to help participants who want to migrate to Gnu/Linux to install a free distribution. Depending on your level of knowledge, the learning outcomes will be determined together with the facilitators and the rest of the group but could include: mobile security, encryption of devices, files and mails, anonymisation and bypassing of censorship, how to use Tails and how to organise a key signing party. Basics Gender and Technology Basics These sessions are oriented towards all participants with or without previous knowledge of feminism and/or gender social justice issues. The expected learning outcomes encompass a better understanding about the different feminist movements, which are the feminist and post-feminist theories in relation to technologies and why there is a gender and cultural diversity gap in computer sciences, free software and hacker cultures and which are the strategies to reduce those gaps. This track will also address the different types of on-line threats and on-line gender based violence inasmuch as the tactics and initiatives enabling to overcome and tackle those issues. The different learning sessions will mix different methodologies such as storytelling, focussed group discussion, videos, talks and many other surprises. You can browse among the bibliographic resources dealing with those topics here and also visit our page listing gender and feminist initiatives online Computer and Security Basics These sessions are aimed at people who want to start with the basics, or catch up on what they think have missed in previous trainings or learning on digital security such as how the internet works, history of operating systems, why everyone loves free and open source software, malware and viruses, basics of data storage or hardware security etc. Skillshares These sessions will allow participants who have a specific skill or experience relevant to the Institute, which won't be covered in the content tracks, to share with others. These could include topics such as “Strategies to counter online violence”, “How Mesh Networks work”, “Feminist Technology Infrastructure” etc.
    “Feminist Technology Infrastructure” etc.)
  • Taller Seguridad Digital, Feministas, Ecuador  + (Mudar a riseup + signal + telegram + poniendo en practica metodologías de cuidar lo que se habla + usar share.riseup < muchas situaciones de intervención de celulares y de cuentas con telegram /)
  • AWID, Mediactivismo, nuevas narrativas feministas, Brasil  + (Nuevas narrativas feministas latinoamericanas en internet Seguridad digital Redes sociales y uso crítico y feminista)
  • SEGUNDO CAMPAMENTO FEMINISTA PARA MUJERES JÓVENES, Oaxaca, Mexico  + (Objetivo: Generar un proceso de formación,
    Objetivo: Generar un proceso de formación, autoconocimiento, acercamiento al feminismo y deconstrucción de ideas patriarcales a través de la aproximación y reflexión de conceptos, prácticas y expresiones del movimiento feminista. Dirigido a: un grupo de mujeres jóvenes entre 14 y 19 años de edad, radicadas en la ciudad de Oaxaca de Juárez, Valles Centrales y Mixteca de Oaxaca, que tienen un potencial liderazgo en sus comunidades. Temas: Género y feminismo Deconstruyendo el amor romántico Autonomía corporal y autocuidado: deconstruyendo estereotipos de belleza Derechos sexuales y reproductivos Violencias machistas: en el espacio público y la web Sororidad Actividades: Presentación Acuerdos de convivencia y expectativas Cine debate Mesas de diálogo Taller de elaboración de jabones terapéuticos para nuestro autocuidado Juegos grupales sobre acoso sexual callejero y ciberviolencias Sesión de básicos de autodefensa feminista Taller de pintura de espejos de Santa Ana Zegach
    de pintura de espejos de Santa Ana Zegach)
  • Workshop, Architectures of online harassment, Berlin  + (On January 3, Caroline Sinders and I condu
    On January 3, Caroline Sinders and I conducted a workshop at Tactical Tech about applying design-thinking approaches to understanding and addressing online and offline harassment. I write about the results of this workshop in two parts, the first, this one, dealing with the framing of online harassment in the context of speech, and why this needs to be reconsidered. The second documents how we applied a design-thinking approach to understanding how online and offline harassment occurs.
    how online and offline harassment occurs.)
  • Panel Including Gender - Re-publica conference, Berlin  + (Online hate speech, harassment, stalking a
    Online hate speech, harassment, stalking and death threats are trapping too many vocal women and LGTBI persons into a contradictory situation where in one hand, as Internet is crucial for their work, in order to coordinate actions or enable a wider reach out, they are also increasingly expose to surveillance and/or punitive actions. All those factors have driven to a situation where Internet is not a safe space and where it is common to see feminist and activist work being deleted, (self)censored, and actively prevented of being seen, heard or read. Logically, those trends diminish the freedom of expression and privacy rights of the people targeted. Tackling those dangers has become higher in the agenda of many feminist and LGTBI organizations and networks and has driven to an active panorama of initiatives, collective strategies and new approaches to privacy and digital security including a gender and cultural diversity perspective. Building upon past events such as the TransHackFeminist convergence, Autonomy (im)possible, Darmstadt delegation, the Feminist Server Summit, Ministry of hacking and the Gender and technology Institute, our invited participants will discuss from a cyberfeminist perspective what is happening online and how we can reclaim and reshape a feminist internet.
    n reclaim and reshape a feminist internet.)
  • Formacion Seguridad Digital, El Salvador  + (PRIMER DIA 8:00-8:15 Saludo y bienvenida
    PRIMER DIA 8:00-8:15 Saludo y bienvenida 8:15-9:00 Dinámica de presentación 9:00-9:30 Lluvia de ideas 9:30-10:30 Buen uso de datos móviles, riesgos virtuales 10:30-11:30 Uso de redes sociales (Facebook, wasap) 11:30-12:00 Instagram, twiter 12:00-1:00 almuerzo 1:00-1:30 Uso de TAILS 1:30-2:00 Uso de TOR 2:00-2:30 Dinámica de ambientación 2:30-3:30 Trabajo grupal 3:30-4:00 plenaria SEGUNDO DIA 8:00-8:15 Saludo y bienvenida 8:15-9:00 Dinámica de ambientación 9:00-9:30 retroalimentacion 9:30-10:30 Imágenes que sostienen las formas de violencia y estereotipos patriarcales 10:30-11:30 Trabajo individual 11:30-12:00 Uso seguro de telefonía celular y aplicaciones: conceptos básicos, desmitificación de dicha tecnología, a asegurar sus dispositivos móviles y configurar sus opciones para aumentar la protección de sus datos, navegar la red de manera segura desde sus móviles. 12:00-1:00 almuerzo 1:00-1:30 Presentación” Herramientas, procesos y metodologías analógicas y digitales para almacenar o editar información por parte de diferentes personas partes de una misma colectiva/organizacion/comunidad.” 1:30-2:00 Dinámica de ambientación 2:00-2:45 Panel de experiencias personales 2:45-3:30 Trabajo grupal “ Emociones y adiciones cuando accedemos a plataformas y medios sociales (discutir contextos, imaginarios y realidades de las mujeres en el uso y diseño de campañas en redes sociales, Quien la crea, quien las patenta,” 3:30-4:00 plenaria TERCER DIA 8:00-8:15 Saludo y bienvenida 8:15-9:9.45 Ritual de inicio dinámica de los desapegos 9:45-10:15 Lluvia de ideas 10:15-11:15 Exposición “imágenes y contenidos de los imaginarios que tenemos las mujeres, amor romántico, estereotipos patriarcales, trabajo del cuidado” 11:15-12:00 exposición “impactos tiene el uso de plataformas sociales en el cuerpo de las mujeres jóvenes, emociones, cuerpo cansados, roles impuestos, trabajo del cuidado reforzado en las plataformas sociales.” 12:00-1:00 almuerzo 1:00-1:30 Trabajo grupal 1:30-2:00 plenaria 2:00-2:45 Construcción de estrategias colectivas 2:30-4:00 Dinámica de concentración, armonización Consideramos que esta información puede ser como referencia no solo para este tipo de actividades si no para otras como es la seguridad holística, y violencia así como uso y meno de mecanismo de seguridad para las mujeres cuando las mismas acceden a plataformas virtuales.
    as mismas acceden a plataformas virtuales.)
  • Conference Global Tech Women Voices, Internet  + (Panel participants: Servane Mouazan, The
    Panel participants: Servane Mouazan, The Womanity Foundation Ann Demarle, Champlain College Emergent Media Centre Nancy Glass, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Alex Hache, Tactical Tech Collective Hera Hussain, Chayn Jac Sm Kee, Association for Progressive Communications
    Association for Progressive Communications)
  • Violencias Conectadas, Nicaragua  + (Para hacer visible cómo opera la violencia
    Para hacer visible cómo opera la violencia en la era digital, EnRedadas, tecnología para la igualdad, en el marco de la conmemoración del 25 de Noviembre y los 16 Días de Activismo Contra la Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, lanza la campaña ViolenciasConectadas, de donde se desprende esta exposición. La exposición pone la mirada en la violencia que se genera con la emergencia de los nuevos medios, donde se expresan las viejas violencias. Está compuesta por 16 testimonios, que mujeres nicaragüenses, de diversas edades, contextos y situaciones, compartieron de manera anónima; con el objetivo de denunciar y alertar. Esta exposición cuenta con el apoyo del Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres y se desarrolla en coordinación con Time Travellers, Galería Códice, El Faro, Mama Yamna y Mará Mará.
    a Códice, El Faro, Mama Yamna y Mará Mará.)
  • Reunión Introductoria a la Protección Integral y Digital para Defensoras del Territorio, Ecuador  + (Presentación Ritual de inicio Enfoque de p
    Presentación Ritual de inicio Enfoque de protección integral Impactos de la defensora en nuestros cuerpos y nuestras relaciones Prácticas de auto-cuidado y bienestar Segunda parte (2 horas y medias) ¿Con quiénes nos comunicamos? ¿Cómo nos comunicamos? ¿Qué comunicamos? ¿Cómo funciona la telefonía celular? Experiencias de telefonía celular autónoma Aplicaciones de comunicación segura Preguntas y comentarios
    omunicación segura Preguntas y comentarios)
  • Workshop, Manuals with a gender perspective, IFF, Valencia  + (Presentation and introduction should not t
    Presentation and introduction should not take more than 25 mins: Coordinators of the session introduce the objectives of the session, agenda and how we will work (methodological steps) + Quick round of introduction people in the room: Mapping knowledge and experiences in the room with production of guides (need to think about a good dynamic to do that) In order to make the most of the session, we will work in 4 or 5 small groups (between 4 or 5 persons) around different exercise and/or common guideline and will then share all together – 45 mins
    and will then share all together – 45 mins)
  • AWID, Coming Back to Tech, Brazil  + (Presentation of the research idea, presentation of the objectives of the session and break out groups, break out groups and feedback to the general group.)
  • Digital security workshop - Les Degommeuses  + (Program : * Issues about Security, Privacy
    Program : * Issues about Security, Privacy, Anonymity * Mapping activities and risks * Draw your tech day * Ask yourself good questions * Secure your devices and data * What is Internet ? * How the data are circulating in the network * Reduce your digital shadow * Use emails in a safer way * Preserve your anonymity, circumvent censorship * Social network, safe space, online identities * Téléphone mobile / intelligent * Specific questions * Good practices, a synthesis * Identifying good resources
    , a synthesis * Identifying good resources)
  • Asesoria, Seguridad interna, Chile  + (Realicé una asesoría a una radio y a su re
    Realicé una asesoría a una radio y a su red de reporteras a nivel nacional en torno a seguridad digital, esto en el mes de noviembre en la cual realizamos la actualización de claves y sistemas, unificación de criterios y nuevos protocolos de seguridad basados en las contingencias nacionales y relacionadas al actuar de otras colectivas. En ambas actividades se abordó tanto seguridad a nivel de navegadores y celulares.
    uridad a nivel de navegadores y celulares.)
  • Europarlament, Digitale Revolution Feminist, Brussels  + (Sichtbarkeit von Frauen* Unumstritten ist
    Sichtbarkeit von Frauen* Unumstritten ist, dass die digitale Revolution neue Möglichkeiten geschaffen hat am gesellschaftlichen Diskurs teilzunehmen – und das gerade für diejenigen, die nicht in den Mainstream Medien vertreten sind. IMG_0879 Gleichzeitig muss der Zugang für Frauen*, das Internet mit gestalten zu können, erleichtert werden. Deshalb braucht es finanzielle Förderungen von Frauen, die im digitalen Sektor tätig sind oder tätig sein wollen, und die deutliche Erhöhung des Frauen*anteils im bisher männlich dominierten ICT Sektor. Um die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen* zu fördern, fordern wir, dass sich in ganz alltäglichen Praktiken strikte Regeln etablieren, ein Beispiel wäre: kein(e) Frau(en)* im Panel, kein Panel. Feministische Netzwerke stärken Für alle Teilnehmer*innen stand fest: Es braucht gemeinsame Plattformen und Netzwerke. Um sich zu vernetzen und zu unterstützen, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen, neuen Input zu bekommen und gemeinsame Ideen weiterzuentwickeln. IMG_0831 Misogynie wird im Internet in erschreckenden Dimensionen praktiziert. Dem dürfen wir keinen Raum geben. Put the shame where it belongs! Cyber Harassment, Revenge Porn und viele andere Tools von Anti-Feminists müssen enttarnt werden: Als abscheuliche Formen von Gewalt gegen Frauen*. Darauf müssen wir politische Antworten entwickeln. Sexistische Kommentare und Kampagnen haben in einer emanzipierten Gesellschaft keinen Platz. Aber wir müssen auch strukturelle Diskriminierungen in der Gesellschaft bekämpfen und für die Rechte von Frauen einstehen. Ein freies, inklusives und gleichberechtigtes Internet braucht eine freie, inklusive und gleichberechtigte Gesellschaft. Den Initiativbericht von Terry, den sie für den FEMM Ausschuss verfasst hat, könnt ihr hier lesen.
    schuss verfasst hat, könnt ihr hier lesen.)
  • Panel Gender and Surveillance, Circumvention Tech Festival, Spain  + (Some of the cases and initiatives presented during the panelː http://policespiesoutoflives.org.uk/ http://www.theguardian.com/uk/undercover-police-and-policing)
  • TransHackFeminist Convergence 2, Mexico  + (Sábado 25 Julio 2015 10:00 AM – 12:00
    Sábado 25 Julio 2015 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM *Asamblea inicial THF* 12:00 PM – 03:00 PM *Preparación de alimentos y comida* 03:00 PM – 06:00 PM *Autodefensa Hackfeminista y Cuidados Colectivos Digitales* 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM *AUTOEDITORAS: Hacemos Femzines* 08:15 PM – 11:00 PM *Fiesta de bienvenida* Domingo 26 Julio 2015 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM *Autodefensa Hackfeminista y Cuidados Colectivos Digitales* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 03:00 PM – 05:00 PM *Autodefensa Hackfeminista y Cuidados Colectivos Digitales* 05:00 PM – 7:00 PM *Acompañamiento seguro a interrupción de embarazo* Lunes 27 Julio 2015 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM *Clase Lucha libre* 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM *Edición de audio con Ardour* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 03:00 PM – 05:00 PM *Danza Butoh* 05:00 PM – 6:00 PM *Presentación de la Red de Radios Comunitarias y Software Libre* 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM *Armando campañas en red 1 Interviniendo youtube* Martes 28 Julio 2015 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM *Clase Lucha libre* 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 10:45 AM – 01:30 PM *Mesa Los otros trabajos* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 05:00 PM – 08:00 PM *Armando campañas en red 2. Redes sociales* Miércoles 29 Julio 2015 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM *Clase Lucha libre* 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM *Mesa ecofeminismo* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM *Mesa: Autodefensa ciudadana* 07:00 PM – 9:00 PM *Performance Vociferación* Jueves 30 Julio 2015 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM *Clase Lucha libre* 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM *Haciendo cápsulas de radio con audacity* 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM *Autodefensa antipatriarcal entre mujeres* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM *Charla Crypto Wars* 06:30 PM – 09:00 PM *Taller Autodefensa digital* Viernes 31 Julio 2015 08:00 AM – 10:00 AM *Clase Lucha libre* 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM *Desayuno* 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM *Autodefensa antipatriarcal entre mujeres* 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM *Comida* 03:00 PM – 08:00 PM *Taller autodefensa digital* 08:00 PM – 09:45 PM *Asamblea de cierre*
    08:00 PM – 09:45 PM *Asamblea de cierre*)
  • Talk Online Misoginy, Pakistan  + (The Last Word bookshop and Digital Rights
    The Last Word bookshop and Digital Rights Foundation recently collaborated on a discussion session held at the Last Word in Lahore, Pakistan, to help develop an understanding – and increase awareness of – the dangers of unchecked online harassment. The session, “A Call To Action: Online Misogyny in Pakistan, and How to Combat it”, was announced in response to a disturbing rise in online misogyny and gender-based cyber-harassment. According to Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency, 3,027 cases of cybercrime were reported in the the period between August 2014 and August 2015, with 45% of the cases being related to cyber-harassment on social media against women. Aysha Raja, owner of the Last Word, compering the event. On her right are Nabiha Meher Shaikh and Susan Benesch The recent misogyny and hyper-jingoism on display last week (http://www.dawn.com/news/1203410) highlighted how important it is to tackle misogyny, and to examine the behaviours that give rise to it. The alarming frequency with which online harassment (which often bleeds out into real world “offline” harassment, or worse) has led to much needed public discourse – not just on recognising that the danger is real, but also to come up with proactive solutions to counter such behaviour. There are signs of understanding – the DRF/Last Word session, for example, saw a good turnout, with many men not only in attendance, but also contributing to the discussion in a mostly positive manner. Susan Benesch of The Berkman Center for Internet and Society, at Harvard University, and founder of the Dangerous Speech Project, “to find ways of diminishing inflammatory speech – and its capacity to inspire violence - while protecting freedom of expression.” http://www.voicesthatpoison.org/ https://twitter.com/dangerousspeech Nabiha Meher Sheikh, Co-founder of Pakistan Feminist Watch, and an instructor in Critical Thinking https://twitter.com/pakfemwatch http://pakistanfeministwatch.blogspot.com/ Jahanzaib Haque, Chief Digital Strategist and Editor at Dawn.com https://twitter.com/jhaque_ https://www.dawn.com Nighat Dad, Executive Director of Digital Rights Foundation https://twitter.com/nighatdad http://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/ Links We have collected the live-tweets of the session in Storify, for those unable to attend. The link can be found here. http://www.dawn.com/news/1205235 Dawn's coverage of the session.
    ws/1205235 Dawn's coverage of the session.)
  • Seguridad digial para defensores de derechos humanos en contextos mineros 2  + (The conversation started with an expositio
    The conversation started with an exposition about our data and the Internet, analyzing the infrastructure of the Internet and examples of ho companies use information of their users, as well as the techno-political context. During the conversation we talked on the importance of starting a digital security process within the organization that includes a critical vision of the necessities and adopted on the conditions in which the organization works.
    onditions in which the organization works.)
  • Conversation, Coffee Chat at ARROW HQ Malaysia  + (The feedback focused on the following topi
    The feedback focused on the following topics: - How the internet works - we re-enacted the flow of sending emails, how the messages can be intercepted at the respective points and the need to encrypt our emails (especially in relation to sensitive messages). - From that session, we introduced some practical actions (& solutions) towards digital security - email encryption; KeyPass; using Signal & Tor browsers; exploring mobile safety apps etc. - We concluded with the sharing of the 8-day Data Detox Kit and encouraged staff to undertake the data detox
    couraged staff to undertake the data detox)
  • Gender and Technology Institute Asia  + (The four day training included multiple se
    The four day training included multiple sessions based on three themes: Holistic Security, Politics of Data and Gender and Tech. Sessions included: Feminist Principles of the Internet, How the internet works, risk assessment and Online Gender Based violence to name a few.
    nline Gender Based violence to name a few.)
  • Womanity award, Oui Share Festival, Paris, France  + (The four finalist pairs of organisations t
    The four finalist pairs of organisations that will compete for this award in May are: TAKE BACK THE TECH! Innovation Partner finalist: Association for Progressive Communications (South Africa) Scale-Up Partner finalist: La Sandia Digital (Mexico) and their project Luchadoras Take Back the Tech! is a campaign to counter and build awareness of the problem of online and other tech-related violence against women. Since inception in 2006, it has supported local campaigns in over 30 countries. In 2011 TBTT! adapted the free Ushahidi software, enabling victims to report instances of online VAW, and build a global map of personal testimonies to help women’s rights organisations use evidence-based data to find solutions and speak out on the topic. The Award would enable the Partners to produce internet TV programmes to increase awareness of the campaign (particularly in Spanish-speaking South America), use online and traditional media to communicate tools and strategies for dealing with tech-related VAW, and build a network of feminist activists and media producers. THE GENDER AND TECH INSTITUTE Innovation Partner finalist: Tactical Tech Collective (Germany) Scale-Up Partner finalist: Just Associates (JASS) Mesoamerica (Mexico / Costa Rica) Whilst internet use is crucial to feminist activists, it can also be a space where women suffer harassment and surveillance. This can result in women’s voices being silenced as they censor themselves online in fear for their safety. This programme offers digital training in the field of internet security and privacy for leaders of organisations tackling VAW. The toolkits designed by the course participants serve to further train members of their own teams and networks. The Award would enable the training programme to have a far greater reach through JASS Associates’ global network. BREAKAWAY GAME Innovation Partner finalist: Champlain College, Emergent Media Centre (USA) Scale-Up Partner finalist: Grassroot Soccer (South Africa) Breakaway is a soccer-themed video game, encouraging players to move away from behaviour that promotes VAW, towards behaviour promoting mutual respect. Young players meet in camps where they role-play scenarios that create environments of gender equality. The game has been played in 185 countries with over 5,000 registered users. The Award would enable Grassroot Soccer to adapt the Breakaway programme to their location and its needs. The organisation has successfully used soccer as a means to address HIV-prevention with young people in South Africa and further afield. MYPLAN APP Innovation Partner finalist: Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (USA) Scale-Up Partner finalist: Il Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP) (Kenya / Somalia) Abused women often have little formal support or resources available to them, and cannot openly get help without further endangering themselves or their children. MyPlan is a free, online and smart phone decision-making app that helps women to consider the severity of violence in their relationship, along with other risk factors, to decide whether to leave an abusive partner, and to create a tailored, safe action plan for doing so, linking into resources available locally. Since its release in January 2014, the app has already been downloaded over 9,000 times. The Award would enable the app to be adapted to help women in refugee settings in Nairobi and Mogadishu, make safe action plans in partnership with health professionals. ICT for Womanity Network Womanity is excited to announce that the resulting partnerships will also connect with existing Tech-for-Gender projects, creating a global network of activists and practitioners already using these technologies to tackle VAW. This collaborative network will be called the ICT for Womanity network. This network will: Increase the two Award winners’ learning opportunities; Provide a safe space to exchange information and knowledge on how ICTs can prevent violence against women; Collect and analyse data to assess the effectiveness of ICTs improving women’s safety; Increase awareness in the mainstream media of how ICT is proven to prevent violence against women.
    proven to prevent violence against women.)