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A list of all pages that have property "Motivations for organizing training" with value "Pakistan is ranked as the third most dangerous country in the world for". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • CryptoFest, Nicaragua  + (La Comunidad de Software Libre Nicaragua o
    La Comunidad de Software Libre Nicaragua organizó a un día de capacitación sobre seguridad en la Internet, privacidad y uso anónimo de las nuevas tecnologías. EnRedadas fue invitada para hablar sobre género y tecnología. ---------- Nicaragua's Open Software Community organized a day of training about online security, privacy and anonymous use of new technologies.
    acy and anonymous use of new technologies.)
  • Radio, El desarmador, Bolivia  + (La Imilla Hacker El Desarmador es una ini
    La Imilla Hacker El Desarmador es una iniciativa de La Imilla Hacker (https://imillahacker.sdf.org). Imilla es la voz quechua/aymara que quiere decir niña o mujer joven. Somos un colectivo enfocado en la producción de contenidos alternativos sobre tecnopolítica y sociedad; con la intención de abrir las puertas al análisis de varios temas como la privacidad, el anonimato, la vigilancia, la gobernanza de internet, la violencia en línea contra las mujeres, y la apropiación de la infraestructura de las telecomunicaciones. Nuestras inquietudes no son apolíticas, por el contrario, venimos hechizadas por pensamientos antiestatales y por impulsos rebeldes. Desde ahí, evitamos lo más posible esta aburrida tendencia a concluir que necesitamos más y mejores gobiernos. Nuestra intención, más bien, es indagar en la autogestión, la sostenibilidad de las comunidades en línea, rescatar espacios de información y comunicación, y crear otros nuevos que se ajusten a nuestras ideas políticas y a nuestras necesidades.
    ideas políticas y a nuestras necesidades.)
  • Webinar, Sexualidad, Derechos Reproductivos y Violencia en línea, Brasil  + (La discusión tendrá como base dos publicac
    La discusión tendrá como base dos publicaciones recién salidas del horno ARROW for Change (AFC) Bulletin y el Boletin Antivigiláncia #14 sobre temas tales como la visibilidad, el poder y la voz de las mujeres y personas no-binarias en Internet. Las publicaciónes incluyen artículos sobre las posibilidades que la tecnología ofrece en función de los problemas como la la corporativización de Internet, la censura, la privacidad, el anonimato, el sexismo y la violencia de género en línea. En conjunto, estos artículos evidencian la necesidad de una colaboración de fuerzas políticas a favor de la libertad en el campo digital y los derechos sexuales, reproductivos y la integridad física de mujeres, personas trans y queer. Serán parte del Webinar: • Maya Indira Ganesh (Tactical Tech Collective y Editora Invitada de esta edición de AFC) • Alex Hache (Tactical Tech Collective y colaboradora de AFC y del Boletín Antivigilancia) • Raquel Rennó (Editora del Boletin Antivigilancia) • Joana Varon (Directora Executiva de Coding Rights, Editora del Boletin Antivigilancia y colaboradora de AFC) • Natasha Felizi (Coordinadora de Proyectos de Coding Rights y colaboradora de AFC). Sobre ARROW for Change AFC es una publicación periódica producida por ARROW (Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women), cuyo propósito es estimular el análisis de las cuestiones relacionadas con la salud, la sexualidad y los derechos de las mujeres y personas no binarias en el sur global. http://arrow.org.my/publication/arrow-change-sexuality-srhr-internet/ Sobre Boletin Antivigilancia #14 Edición especial temática de la publicación con enfoque en la violencia de género, el derecho al anonimato y tácticas y herramientas para combaterla. El Boletin Antivigilancia es una publicación semestral hecha por Coding Rights en portugués y español. Nota: la discusión se realizará en español/portuñol selvage. Other Publications WEBINAR: Derechos Sexuales y la Violéncia en línea 14 de September de 2016 Safer Nudes 7 de September de 2016 Carta de lançamento da Coalizão Direitos na Rede 13 de July de 2016
    ão Direitos na Rede 13 de July de 2016)
  • Escuela de Tecnología Libre: soñando otra internet, Ecuador  + (La escuelita de Tecnología Libre busca com
    La escuelita de Tecnología Libre busca compartir conocimiento que permita empoderar, principalmente a mujeres, en el uso de internet, dispositivos, y otras herramientas digitales. También busca que organizaciones, colectivas y activistas puedan autoproteger su información y potenciar aún más el uso de la internet.
    potenciar aún más el uso de la internet.)
  • Formacion Seguridad Digital, El Salvador  + (La motivación principal de nuestro grupo a
    La motivación principal de nuestro grupo al hacer este ejercicio de réplica es dar a conocer mecanismos de seguridad para jovencitas que están accediendo a redes sociales de manera insegura y con muchos riegos. Siendo que en nuestro país hay un alto índice de violencia social en donde es difícil realizar la defensoría y /o activismo de manera segura. Las mujeres jovenes e incluyendo niñas están vinculándose con personas que atentan contra sus vidas, las imágenes están reforzando estereotipos patriarcales y violencia social y generalizada. Muchas de nuestras jóvenes desconocen nuevas tecnologías que salvaguarden su vida y el trabajo organizativo de manera mejor protegida. Se tuvo que adaptar las metodologías de acuerdo a realidades pues son jovencitas de escasos recursos además de que nuestra organización está un poco limitada en cuanto a equipo pues también poseemos pocos recursos .
    ipo pues también poseemos pocos recursos .)
  • Taller sobre seguridad física, digital y demás chiches tecno-feministas, Paraguay  + (La principal motivación que llevó a la org
    La principal motivación que llevó a la organización del taller en Paraguay se debió a que en el IGT 2018 no hubo presencia de compañeras pertenecientes a colectivas de este país, siendo que asimismo demostraron interés en presenciar actividades de réplica que contribuyera a obtener un mayor conocimientos de aspectos técnicos y jurídicos vinculados con las TIC.- El contexto político paraguayo está teñido de una fuerte impronta de vigilancia y control hacia las organizaciones que trabajan en defensa de derechos humanos, manifestando grandes preocupaciones por las vulneraciones sufridas a través de sus dispositivos. Lo que se enmarca en un contexto latinoamericano en que ha avanzado en varios países gobiernos de extrema derecha que acentúan las desigualdades sociales y buscan acallar los reclamos populares articulados a través de las organizaciones civiles.
    os a través de las organizaciones civiles.)
  • Violencias Conectadas, Nicaragua  + (La violencia machista es una realidad hist
    La violencia machista es una realidad histórica basada en el patriarcado, un sistema que concibe a las mujeres como seres inferiores que deben estar subordinados. Esta violencia es mutante, transita por las épocas, cambia de estrategias, se adapta a los nuevos tiempos y también se expresa a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, TIC´s. En tres años de trabajo, muchas mujeres de diversas edades y procedencias; se han acercado EnRedadas, a pedirnos recomendaciones para lidiar con situaciones de ciberviolencia machista. ¿Cómo podemos hacer denuncias públicas? ¿Cómo reportamos mensajes y contenidos violentos hacia nosotras o hacia las mujeres?
    lentos hacia nosotras o hacia las mujeres?)
  • Jornadas de autocuidado feminista. Cuidado físico, emocional y digital, Colombia  + (Las Jornadas de autocuidado feminista surg
    Las Jornadas de autocuidado feminista surgieron en el marco de la convergencia de los colectivos Crisálidas, CENSAT Agua Viva y Otra Escuela. Estas organizaciones desde diferentes campos de trabajo, impulsamos iniciativas feministas para la construcción de paz en el departamento del Cauca. El contexto en el que se llevó a cabo, fue justamente 8 días antes de la movilización del 25 de noviembre, día internacional de la No violencia hacia las mujeres. En el Cauca, las mujeres negras, campesinas, indígenas, LBTI y urbanas nos movilizamos por la vía Panamericana. Algunos elementos de contexto que hacían necesaria esta marcha, es que a pesar de la firma del “Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera” el avance sobre la implementación del mismo ha sido lento y los problemas centrales que produjeron la guerra aún no se desactivan. Del mismo modo, aunque las mujeres hemos resaltado la necesidad de avanzar en la Mesa de Diálogos entre el gobierno y el ELN y hemos llevado propuestas a la misma, notamos poca voluntad política para que esta mesa avance. Con relación a la implementación del Acuerdo de paz, según el informe de seguimiento de GPAZ (2018), del conjunto de las medidas de género, el 72,48 % han obtenido un desarrollo normativo en contraste con el desarrollo operativo que apenas es de un 17,43 %. El avance es muy lento y como lo hemos sugerido varias mujeres en diversos espacios de análisis y discusión sobre el proceso de paz, lo que sentimos es que “a pesar que haya paz firmada, en realidad no hay paz”. Con preocupación registramos un aumento de la militarización de nuestros territorios, de la criminalización de la protesta, así como de los asesinatos y amenazas a líderes, lideresas y defensoras de derechos humanos. En 2016, fueron asesinadas 295 personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Colombia, el Cauca ocupó el primer lugar con 56 casos. Al igual el aumento de feminicidios y casos de violencias hacia las mujeres y la población LGBTI nos preocupa inmensamente y nos deja claro que a pesar de la firma de la paz las violencias continúan. Paralelo a esta situación observamos cómo se inicia a dar trámite a proyectos de Ley que, de aprobarse, irían en retroceso de nuestros derechos y los de nuestros pueblos. Es el caso del proyecto de Ley 134 que regula el derecho fundamental a la Consulta Previa y ha sido presentado al Senado por la bancada de Cambio Radical. En nuestra opinión, el proyecto es lesivo para los avances y el reconocimiento del derecho al consentimiento previo, libre e informado. Igualmente, el proyecto del Ministerio de la Familia también presentado por Cambio Radical, reestructura la política social de un modo nefasto sin considerar los contextos sociales, culturales y territoriales de las familias y diversos grupos poblacionales como mujeres, jóvenes, niños, niñas, adultos y adultas mayores. Además, se circunscribe a una visión de la familia que niega la diversidad de la misma en la realidad colombiana. De otro lado persisten las violencias históricas en nuestros cuerpos, en nuestros territorios y en nuestros pueblos, como mujeres indígenas, negras, campesinas y urbanas sentamos un precedente sobre estas históricas violencias que nos continúan agrediendo. En medio de este contexto, nuestra movilización: “Las mujeres unidas sembramos el camino de la paz”, tiene las siguientes exigencias: Por el derecho a la movilización y la protesta social y por la vida de líderesas y líderes Porque nuestros derechos y los de nuestros pueblos NO retrocedan: No a la modificación de la Consulta Previa y la restricción de las Consultas Populares para decidir sobre nuestras vidas Exigimos que nuestros Territorios sean Libres de Violencias contra las mujeres negras, indígenas, campesinas, LBTI y urbanas. Ni un feminicidio más. Rechazamos la negligencia institucional frente a los casos de atención de violencias hacia las Por el derecho a familias Porque las Mujeres Defendemos la Paz: que avance la implementación del Acuerdo Final y que continúe la Mesa de Negociación entre el Gobierno y el Más recursos para la educación pública y menos recursos para la guerra De igual manera, realizamos una ficha de seguridad en la que resaltaban los siguientes elementos de contexto, consultados con varias organizaciones que trabajan en el territorio: 1. Durante el último semestre el departamento del Cauca vive un pico de violencia. Las cifras de la Defensoría del Pueblo hablan de 78 líderes sociales asesinados entre el 2016 y 2018, poniéndolo como el departamento con más casos de violencia socio política del país. En los últimos meses tuvimos conocimiento de al menos seis amenazas masivas hacia el movimiento indígena, el movimiento político de la Colombia Humana y las comunidades rurales. Ha ocurrido una masacre de 7 personas más que estremecieron el país en Argelia. En Santander de Quilichao, Buenos Aires y Suárez se han reportado al menos tres asesinatos de profesores. Al parecer por robo de motos. De otro lado, en varias de las veredas de Suárez se han presentado las disidencias y rearmes de FARC socializando nuevas medidas de control social, y formalizando su presencia. Se tiene conocimiento de acciones de inteligencia contras líderes y liderezas que impulsan el proceso de paz con el ELN. Varios contingentes del Ejército y ESMAD han llegado al casco urbano de Santander de Quilichao en desarrollo de las protestas estudiantiles y el Plan HORUS. Se recomienda verificar las condiciones de seguridad de cada una de las participantes y monitorear sus traslados hacia la ciudad de Popayán, contar con red de abogados penalistas y transportadores rápidos hacia centros de atención médica. 2. Los informes del Observatorio de feminicidios de la Red Antimilitarista muestran un aumento de feminicidios en la región del suroccidente del país. Esto ocurre particularmente en el departamento del Valle, pero también el Cauca ha sido uno de los escenarios en donde el tipo de violencia letal contra las mujeres se ha expandido. En los casos que documento la Red Feminista antimilitarista, y otros que nosotras documentamos y presentamos en la Fiscalía y la Alcaldía, lo que se evidenció es que los agresores están relacionados en circuitos de economías ilegales. Esto dificulta que las mujeres denuncien, que los casos sean acompañados y que se realice un debido seguimiento en el norte del Cauca y el sur Del Valle. La vinculación de los agresores a estos circuitos es un elemento importante a la hora de pensarse la autodefensa feminista porque el poder, la violencia y la corrupción que pueden desplegar es mucho mayor. Estos actores no son objeto de negociación política, ni de increpación moral. Es lo que hace el narco-estilo de vida que cada vez se propaga más por el Norte del Cauca. La economía ilegal (minería y cultivos de uso ilícito) en sí misma es un factor de exposición a la violencia contra las mujeres y dificulta generar estrategias desde ellas. La economía realiza divisiones sexuales del trabajo, legitima valores, estereotipos y violencias que hacen muy difícil la resistencia y denuncia. Otro elemento es que no tenemos redes seguras de comunicación, al contrario, comunicaciones muy vulnerables para las víctimas y las defensoras. A esto se le suma el control militar excesivo donde no solamente hay policía, sino policía militar asociada al Plan Horus, el combate de las disidencias y la erradicación forzada. 3. Justamente el avance del Plan Horus, el combate de las disidencias y la erradicación forzada, ha marcado la tensión en seguridad y protección durante las últimas semanas dado que ha generado la movilización de tropas por los cascos urbanos, la carretera y las veredas. En particular, en los municipios de Corinto, Miranda, Caloto, Toribío y Jambaló. Así mismo la presencia de agentes del ESMAD en el casco urbano de Santander de Quilichao y en las carreteras por el paro estudiantil. A la militarización se le suma la situación de cortes de luz en las veredas, que es rutinaria, pero que se ha profundizado por la voladura de las torres y estaciones eléctricas. Aparentemente esta voladura ha sido realizada por las disidencias, pero ha sido sugerida por el Fiscal General de la Nación en varias ocasiones. Cualquiera sea su origen, tiene como consecuencias el aumento del precio de la marihuana, la tensión sobre su comercialización y la restricción del uso de los espacios por parte delas mujeres ya que la ausencia de luz impide nuestro tránsito por miedo a ser violadas o atracadas. En la población joven es muy común el control de las parejas por medio de los dispositivos celulares, uso de claves, interceptaciones de las comunicaciones, y ubicaciones arbitrarias. El rompimiento de estas relaciones ha traído a la postre, el aumento del suicidio en las jóvenes Nasa y los homicidios por parte de sus compañeros (también pasa entre los afros)
    compañeros (también pasa entre los afros))
  • Acompañamiento, Organización de Mujeres Defensoras, Mexico  + (Las defensoras ubicaron que su labor empezaba a abrir riesgos que no estaban listas para enfrentar)
  • Hackerspace Feminista. Quito, Ecuador  + (Las participantes del Ecuador en el IGT, s
    Las participantes del Ecuador en el IGT, son todas chicas muy activas y fue por eso que concretar una fecha para hacer nuestro primer encuentro fue muy difícil. Por eso, solo hasta el .... nos volvimos a encontrar. Para romper el hielo y recuperar las energías que intercambiamos en ..... el primer encuentro del hackerspace feminista fue en el espacio físico de “Usuarios digitales” y nos convocamos para una install party.
    ” y nos convocamos para una install party.)
  • FemH3ck - Basic privacy and digital security for feminist & LGTBQIA, La Plata, Argentina  + (Lots of interest, lack of spaces and tools
    Lots of interest, lack of spaces and tools led us to think together and plan a space that would meet these needs with a consideration of what the specific needs of the community are. We opened the floor to think specifically about obstacles and proposals for technology for this community. A need to think politically about technology and the need to think of Software Libre and Opensource Technology as a tool for liberation and organization.
    as a tool for liberation and organization.)
  • FemH3ck - Basic privacy and digital security for feminist & LGTBQIA, Argentina  + (Lots of interest, lack of spaces and under
    Lots of interest, lack of spaces and understanding on encryption tools led us to think together and plan a space that would meet these interests with a consideration of what the specific needs of the community are. We opened the floor to think specifically about obstacles and proposals for technology for this community. A need to think politically about technology and the need to think of Software Libre as a tool for liberation and organization.
    as a tool for liberation and organization.)
  • FemH3ck – Digital Security and Privacy Advocacy Flash training at the ihub Space, Nairobi, Kenya  + (Many women in Kenya today are embracing th
    Many women in Kenya today are embracing the internet as a means of communication with their peers and colleagues on a social and professional basis. As they seek to share vital information about themselves so as to increase their networking skills, these women post information and pictures on various sites that are both of a personal and professional nature. Unfortunately, this same medium of expression (the internet) exposes the information these women share to public scrutiny and may have negative effect, when this information falls in the hands (or eyes) of a person who can misuse this information through manipulation, or lead to harassment among other internet crimes.
    to harassment among other internet crimes.)
  • Taller de Software libre, autodefensa digital y seguridad feminista, Medellín-Colombia  + (Nos planteamos pensar la seguridad feminis
    Nos planteamos pensar la seguridad feminista de forma expandida hacia diversas áreas de nuestra vida aprendiendo herramientas concretas para fortalecer la seguridad y privacidad digital. A través de estas herramientas y sus funcionalidades buscamos pensar en las vulnerabilidades cotidianas y cómo éstas se comportan atravesadas por el género.
    as se comportan atravesadas por el género.)
  • Gender and Technology Institute, LAC, Start Up Meeting, Mexico DF  + (Nuestro programa está orientado a mujeres
    Nuestro programa está orientado a mujeres defensoras de los derechos humanos y mujeres activistas. Durante los últimos 3 años, el IGT ha sido desarrollado primero para una audiencia internacional y luego en áreas regionales como Ecuador para participantes de la región LAC, en Malasia para participantes del Sureste Asiático y en Panamá para activistas de países Mesoamericanos. Ahora planeamos organizar un nuevo IGT en junio 2018 para mujeres defensoras de la tierra en Latino America. Para ello, organizamos una reunión preparatoria de 3 días en la que invitamos 15 participantes. Estas se componen de facilitadoras en tema de seguridad digital y/o seguridad integral, así como de representantes de organizaciones y movimientos sociales que trabajan el tema de la defensa de la tierra. También están presentes Mamacash https://www.mamacash.org) y FRIDA (https://youngfeministfund.org/ <https://youngfeministfund.org/>) con quien colaboramos para diseñar la mejor experiencia de capacitación y seguimiento posible para las participantes seleccionadas para el próximo GTI. Esta reunión nos permite evaluar con todas ustedes los riesgos, necesidades y contextos específicos de las defensoras hacia las cuales orientamos el próximo IGT. También nos permite identificar cuáles son las sesiones forma ivas que se necesitaran para la capacitación, así como pensar las mejores metodologías de facilitación y, en general, planificar con cuidado nuestro plan general de seguridad para el evento y para el bienestar de todas sus participantes. El encuentro se celebrara en castellano.
    . El encuentro se celebrara en castellano.)
  • Oficinas de cuidados digitais e segurança da comunicação, Salvador de bahia, Brasil  + (O CEAS vem buscando realizar uma mudança e
    O CEAS vem buscando realizar uma mudança em sua cultura institucional com relação aos cuidados digitais e a segurança da comunicação. Além de criar condições na organização para torna parte da nossa prática o horizonte da soberanía da comunicação. Através do uso de ferramentas livres que estejam de alguma maneira em coerência com a prática da nossa organização. Uma vez que a nossa missão é a transformação estrutural da sociedade com setores históricamente excluídos buscando relações mais justas e equânimes, nos perguntamos porque utilizar ferramentas que estão a serviço do capitalismo e contra a nossa ação, sem comprimisso com as lutas populares? Estamos em um contexto político em nosso país que nos impulssiona para que essa mudança aconteça a passos mais largos, pois agora se ver mais concretamente os efeitos do avanço da ultradireita em nosso país, através do aumento da violência, uso das forças militares em alguns estados, inclusive tem sido levado a cabo a alteração da legislação com foco na criminalização dos defensores de direitos humanos, lideranças quilobolas, indígenas, etc. Se faz urgente colocar ese tema na orden do dia.
    urgente colocar ese tema na orden do dia.)
  • Autodefensa Digital Feminista, FemHack Managua 2016  + (Objetivo: Contribuir a mitigar expresiones de violencia digital a través de información y herramientas para proteger su privacidad e integridad en la red con un enfoque feminista.)
  • Conference Global Tech Women Voices, Internet  + (One in every four women will experience do
    One in every four women will experience domestic violence at the hands of a partner in their lifetime. Women aged 15–44, across all cultures, are more at risk of rape and other acts of violence, than cancer, malaria, motor accidents, or acts of war, according to the World Bank. The root cause of violence against women (VAW) is gender inequality, leading to unequal power relationships. The Womanity Foundation’s Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women was developed in 2013 and supports collaboration between organisations seeking to prevent gender-based violence, and aims to break down barriers that such organisations face. The Award helps an Innovation Partner that has developed an already successful approach to prevent VAW to increase their reach; whilst their designated Scale-Up Partner is receiving support to adapt and deliver that project in their own location. The partnership lasts for three years. In May 2016, the Womanity Award will be given to two partners who harness ICT to prevent violence against women. These technologies might include phone apps, video games, urban mapping, internet security training, internet TV, feminist servers, and e-learning platforms, among others. Simultaneously, The Womanity Foundation is launching the ICT for Womanity collaborative network, a peer-to-peer group that connects existing “Tech for Gender” projects, that use these technologies to tackle VAW. This network will foster partnership and learning opportunities. Through this virtual session, we hope to introduce some of the innovations in the field, encourage practitioners to join the movement. Together we are activating a collaborative group that will act a safe space to exchange information and knowledge. Our hope is for this network to collect, analyse and share data to assess the effectiveness of ICT solutions that address women’s safety.
    ICT solutions that address women’s safety.)
  • International Journalism Festival - Perugia  + (One session on gender and technology, pres
    One session on gender and technology, presenting the GTI project and its outcomes within the hackers’ corner that was organized by TTC on the international journalist festival. The speech was concentrating on the context that A global trend of using ICT for harassing and shutting down women voices and opinions is constantly happening, while women are struggling to stay vocal. The GTI project apart from networking, sharing and learning has the main goal to build capacity within the sector (NGO, journalists) and provide practical solutions and advice to women who use the internet intensively to carry out their activities. The Gender and Tech institute happened in Germany collecting more than 80 women from around the world with the goal to share and build capacities regarding privacy and digital security. This was the kick off moment and with all the success that it got the GTI is deepening and now building more institutes with local backgrounds. In a multi-faceted approach the project has directly strengthened people's capacities to firstly improve their own response to restrictions to freedom of expression and freedom of opinion and secondly enable them to improve the capacity within their own communities.
    city within their own communities.)
  • Coming Back to Tech, IFF, Spain  + (Online harassment and threats against wome
    Online harassment and threats against women activists, rights defenders and journalists has become a prevelant issue in recent years. For many of these groups and individuals, using the internet and social media for work must all too frequently be balanced against harassment, threats and surviellance by both state and non-state actors. There are a growing number of resources to prevent different kinds of online harassment faced by women working as activists, human rights defenders or journalists. But what happens during or ‘the day after’ an attack? And then what happens after the more urgent crisis phase(s) of a campaign of harassment passes? There is little documententation and few resources that tackle these issues. As a result, we are proposing to facilitate a workshop that brings in the input of the community of activists, journalists and digital security trainers to help develop guides on tackling harassment such as account hijacking, doxing or revenge porn. The work conducted during workshop will help develop guides and manuals that can be used by activists, women rights defenders, journalists and Rapid Responders to deal with harassment and threats as they happen.
    ith harassment and threats as they happen.)
  • Gender and Technology Institute, Berlin  + (Online threats and gender based violence t
    Online threats and gender based violence trap too many women into a contradictory situation in which on one hand the use of the internet is crucial for their work and/or activism, in order to coordinate actions, enable a wider reach out, display new identities, and on the other hand they are also increasingly exposed to surveillance, harassment and punitive actions. All these factors have led to a situation in which the internet is not a safe space and in which it is common to see women's work and voices being deleted, (self)-censored, and actively prevented from being seen, heard or read. Answers to our call for applications echoed this situation and while many applicants reflected on the stereotypes and prejudices they had face when engaging with tech, there was also a general acknowledgement of a lack of security (either digital, physical or well-being) of women when accessing, using and developing technologies. Besides, the use of tech to undermine privacy and create new forms of surveillance and control over women bodies and opinions was also remarked. Among women targeted, the WHRD and LGTBQI activists working on gender social justice issues or sensitive topics, such as health, reproductive and sexual rights were felt as particularly at risk. Moreover, vocal women, such as bloggers and journalists engaged in politics or feminist issues were also cruelly under attack. The aims of the institute were to train participants in order to learn tools and techniques for increasing their understanding and practice in digital security and privacy and in order to become digital security trainers and privacy advocates within their own organisations and communities. The Institute was also intended to better understand what could be new approaches to privacy and digital security including a gender and cultural diversity approach. Contents addressed encompassed theoretical elements dealing with gender and technology, privacy and surveillance, training skills and practical tips and methodologies to become an outstanding privacy advocate or digital security trainer. Other dimensions, such as holistic security, self care, risk analysis, tackling online violence, develop feminist principles of the internet were also discussed along the encounter.
    t were also discussed along the encounter.)
  • Digital security open and weekly trainings, Mexico  + (Open meetings for learning DST and drink hand craft made beer)
  • Workshop, Manuals with a gender perspective, IFF, Valencia  + (Over the past two years, there has been an
    Over the past two years, there has been an increasing production of guides and other self learning resources oriented at better understanding what is violence against women (online and offline) and how to document and share about the initiatives, processes and tools that are challenging it under its different forms. The workshop will address this panorama of resources departing from the participants experiences and their needs in relation to those materials. When mapping what is there and what is missing, they will draft guidelines for shared good practices when producing new materials (such as how to not reinvent the wheel and duplicating upstream work, thinking ahead the maintainability, translatability, feedback, peer review and overall sustainability of those resources) and will reflect on how to develop materials that are ethical, inclusive and accessible. This workshop should enable people engaged with the production of self learning resources around privacy and digital security to better understand how to include a gender and intersectional perspective, inasmuch as it should enable networking among people planning to produce gender-related materials in the field of privacy and digital security.
    the field of privacy and digital security.)
  • Panel Including Gender - Re-publica conference, Berlin  + (Over the past years, an increasing attenti
    Over the past years, an increasing attention has been directed to online hate speech, harassment, stalking and death threats launched by non state actors, but also by governments, against women human rights activists and LGTBI people, and their collaborators. More broadly, misogyny, homophobia and bigotry also intertwine to oppose and silent women engaging into technological fields such as engineering, computing or digital security. The following discussion will invite different cyberfeminists to exchange about those trends and present current promising initiatives and collective strategies that are confronting and overcoming those issues.
    e confronting and overcoming those issues.)
  • Digital security trainings for female students, Pakistan  + (Pakistan is ranked as the third most dange
    Pakistan is ranked as the third most dangerous country in the world for women. Women make half of this country's population but their inclusion and participation in larger socio-economic development processes is hardly visible and still need a huge effort to bring at par with any international standards or best practices. Mostly women in Pakistan are deprived of their basic human rights. The weak implementation of legislation and cultural biases has made them more vulnerable. In addition, women have been traditionally targeted through socio- economic oppression, cultural and religious biases, sexual harassment, lack of opportunities and domestic violence. They have been deprived of education that most importantly results in the lack of opportunities for their social and economic well being. '''The Issue -- Cyber Harassment and Access to ICTs:''' The Internet is an essential tool that provides a way for women to get access to the wider world — the world of networks, communities, health and education information, financial advice and business skills training. It’s a platform for women to seek help where they need it, so helping to redress the gender imbalance and foster the empowerment of women. Pakistani Women can also play an important part in the economic sphere of the country if important steps would have been taken to prevent different forms of harassment which are pervasive in the society. Pakistan is a country which has benefited from the advances in technology. There have been a lot of technological breakthroughs in the past few years which have made it easier for people to get connected. The Internet has been a treasure trove of knowledge and made our lives easier. Unfortunately all good things come with a price. The price is cyber stalking, harassment, blackmailing which is slowly becoming the norm within the country. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a second underdeveloped province of Pakistan where honor killing of women is common, four women were killed due to a mobile video which went viral in a village in the area of Kohistan http://tribune.com.pk/story/671386/justice-delayed-in-kohistan/ Even in cities educated families who give access to ICTs to their young girls, restrict the access if they find out that the harassment is happening. Due to the fear of losing access to ICTs, women do not often speak about cyber harassment to their families. Awareness about using secure and safe Internet and ICTs is not common in Pakistan especially among young women and girls.
    an especially among young women and girls.)
 (Pakistan is ranked as the third most dangerous country in the world for)
  • Taller Seguridad Digital, Via Campesina, Durango, Euskal Herria  + (Para el grupo de comunicación de la Vía Ca
    Para el grupo de comunicación de la Vía Campesina es muy importante conocer los canales de comunicación existentes, las oportunidades, riesgos y amenazas existentes para poder utilizarlos de manera eficiente, sin que se vuelvan en nuestra contra. Por medio del taller aprenderemos como usar las redes sociales de manera que se muestre lo que hemos decidido mostrar, nada más.
    e lo que hemos decidido mostrar, nada más.)
  • Talk on Digital Security for Women Journalists, Wien, Austria  + (Part of a larger event, which was also part of an ongoing series about how to support women journalists and combat online harassment.)
  • Privacy Presentation, Cali, Colombia  + (Presentar a varias compañeras de la fundación elementos de reflexión para mejores practicas dentro de la organización para cuidar la privacidad y aumentar los niveles de seguridad digital)
  • Acompanamiento, Seguridad Digital Activistas Derecho a Decidir, Ecuador  + (Se estan dando crecienteataques de los anti derechos a las activistas por el derecho a decidir, esta situacion implica mejorar la seguridad digital de las companeras)
  • Charla, Privacidad, Seguridad Digital y Ciberfeminismos: Experiencias desde Latino América, Barcelona  + (Se ha creado un vortex espacio temporal qu
    Se ha creado un vortex espacio temporal que nos propulsa todas juntas en la Cooperativa La Base (C/Hortes 10 - Poble sec) el próximo sábado 4 de marzo a partir de las 18H30 para compartir experiencias e iniciativas cocinandose por Barcelona, Latino América y mas allá... Compañeras feministas, activistas, defensoras de derechos humanos, formadoras, investigadoras trabajando en Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, México presentaran los proyectos en los cuales están involucradas para transformar y crear mundos con mas justicia social desde una perspectiva ciberfeminista. Las aventuras compartidas serán variadas con elementos de reflexión y acción acerca de seguridad digital, privacidad, control/vigilancia, derechos digitales así como sexuales y reproductivos. Se plantearan acciones y estrategias feministas frente a los feminicidios y las violencias facilitadas por el uso de internet y las tecnologías digitales. Las presentaciones serán seguidas por una charla y debate con todas las participantes y esperamos clausurar con vermut y posiblemente bailoteo.
    usurar con vermut y posiblemente bailoteo.)
  • Taller taller de redes sociales y seguridad, Colombia  + (Se realizó el taller en el marco de un aco
    Se realizó el taller en el marco de un acompañamiento integral (jurídico y psicosocial) a personas que próximamente van a recobrar su libertad. Población que se caracteriza por sus años en cárcel sin acceso a comunicaciones en la cárcel (sólo cartas y llamadas por el teléfono fijo colectivo) y anteriormente por su vida en la insurgencia, por su poco uso y conocimiento de las redes sociales. Ahora empiezan a tener uso de celulares y en la salida a la vida en libertad, aun más. Decidí realizar este taller como parte de su preparación a lo que hemos llamado "la calle hoy" y para brindarles herramientas prácticas para una comunicación segura.
    as prácticas para una comunicación segura.)
  • Taller inmersión de autodefensa digital feminista, Barcelona  + (Será un espacio de formación intensiva de
    Será un espacio de formación intensiva de dos días sobre violencias machistas, privacidad y seguridad digital desde una perspectiva feminista, crítica y holística. En ella trabajaremos para comprender y detectar las violencias en internet y redes sociales así como para desarrollar estrategias individuales y colectivas de autodefensa y cuidados digitales. Se trabajarán ámbitos relacionados con la privacidad y protección digital, para desarrollar prácticas más reflexivas, tácticas, placenteras y seguras con las tecnologías. El taller será impartido en catalán y castellano.
    er será impartido en catalán y castellano.)
  • Digital security and privacy session - Geek Girl festival, Kenya  + (Session: Awareness creation session on digital security and privacy. Event: speed geeking, Design Thinking and much more)
  • Taller de seguridad para mujeres, Puebla, Mexico  + (Si bien el proceso de resistencia contra m
    Si bien el proceso de resistencia contra megaproyectos logró la creación de una radio comunitaria desde la cual las mujeres lograron hacer oír su voz se han topado con la patriarcado de sus compañeros de lucha, el poder acompañarles era importante para acercar herramientas de autocuidado y espacios de reflexión para lo que viven desde ellas, es decir sin imponer una postura externa a sus propios procesos.
    a postura externa a sus propios procesos.)
  • Talk, Training to privacy advocacy and digital security from a gender perspective, IFF, Valencia, Spain  + (Since 2014, Tactical Technology Collective
    Since 2014, Tactical Technology Collective has engaged directly with Women Human Rights Defenders, women net activists and their allies in order to face a global trend of using ICT for controlling and shutting down women voices and opinions through online harassment and gender-based violence launched by governments and non state actors. The project was designed in the long term to increase our target groups' resilience and their capacity to develop their own mitigation strategies by shifting expertise to the community itself. In a multi-faceted approach the project has directly strengthened their capacities to firstly improve their own response to restrictions to freedom of expression and freedom of opinion and secondly enable them to improve the capacity within their own communities. Our research and experience shows that only project activities that are embedded in and owned by the communities take hold and stand a chance of succeeding in the long run. This project is a practical response to demand on the ground and is based upon Tactical Tech's theory of change and its 'do not harm' approach which puts the safety and wellbeing of target groups and the specific communities they represent at the centre of all activities.
    represent at the centre of all activities.)
  • Workshop: Safer Nudes @Montreal, Canada  + (Since the leaks of nudes and the numerous
    Since the leaks of nudes and the numerous cases of revenge porn start to become everyday news, we've witnessed all kinds of narratives about it. The vast majority of them are paternalistic, patronizing pieces that ultimately state that sending nudes is irresponsible and unsafe. In this guide, we will try to confront this narrative and introduce the "Send Nudes!" project, a guide to digital security for sharing intimate images that does not base itself on slutshaming, but on a pro-sex attitude. This project aimed to call the attention to how
learning to send nudes through the internet in a safer way can be a practice of self-determination for us as sexual bodies and internet users. More than protection, we need to spread knowledge about daily practices and actions that can work towards shifting perspectives about gender roles and digital rights.
    ves about gender roles and digital rights.)
  • FemH3ck - Round table Privacy and security in the Open IT Space, Serbia  + (Since the observed large gaps in the knowl
    Since the observed large gaps in the knowledge of the area and the lack of real information about it, such an introductory approach is necessary. The knowledge and experience that I have as a participant GPS camp was able to convey using the capacities and resources of the organization that I represent do not meet the needs that are in the process open. A more comprehensive approach, which will be able to process information and education include a large number of interested individuals, organizations and representatives of institutions which is in the job description democratization of society and the protection of individual rights and the protection of human rights. The inclusion of educated media representatives (including television, radio, newspapers, wire services) and the Ombudsman is necessary, to send information about the necessity of protecting the right to privacy of communication and storage of data, '' sent to as many addresses', that is, all the citizens who will be able to watch the show on a round table in the media, and institutions that have jurisdiction in the protection of the rights of individuals to privacy and the preservation of the same.
    privacy and the preservation of the same.)
  • Womanity award, Oui Share Festival, Paris, France  + (Tackling violence against women through IC
    Tackling violence against women through ICTs is a cornerstone of Womanity’s work in 2016. By convening actors driving innovation to prevent violence against women through the Womanity Award for the prevention of Violence Against Women, the foundation will provide three-years of support to two Awardees who will scale-up a successful innovation in a new context. In May 2016, Womanity will announce the winners of the Womanity Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women, at OuiShare Fest in Paris.
    Against Women, at OuiShare Fest in Paris.)
  • Workshop, Other than women: Exploring harassment and difference online, Rightscon, Belgium  + (Tactical Tech is interested in the problem
    Tactical Tech is interested in the problem of online harassment as a barrier to political participation in quantified societies, and in terms of the harm it causes those targeted. We have been working to customise tactics of resistance and support to communities/individuals who are working online and are exposed to, or are at risk of, harassment. This Satellite Session at Rightscon is fashioned as an intervention into ongoing advocacy, research, and practical support efforts, and seeks to interrogate a wide range of possible framings of (as well as responses to) online harassment. A growing body of evidence shows that in addition to gendered and sexualised harassment, Islamophobic, racist, trans- and homophobic harassment equally take place online. We observe, however, that the sexist, misogynist and anti-feminist harassment ciswomen (of relative privilege and visibility in their social contexts) face is noticeably more visible in public discourse, media, research, and advocacy than any other form of online harassment. We are interested in how our work as researchers and advocates may become more intersectional, may focus more fully on gender rather than conflating gender with women, and forge connections with and/or support marginalised groups working in specific contexts. We will take critical approaches to Islamophobia, ethnicity, and race as they intersect with gender and sexuality to help understand localised experiences of harassment.
    stand localised experiences of harassment.)
  • AWID, Coming Back to Tech, Brazil  + (Tactical Tech is launching a new research
    Tactical Tech is launching a new research project that focused on what happens to women after they have been harassed online, how their relationship with technology changes, and what it means to "go offline", particularly for activists whom rely on social media and the internet to conduct their work. As part of the AWID Forum in Brazil, Tactical Tech conducted the session entitled "Coming Back to Tech" aimed at presenting the new research concept and at receiving feedback from participants. Participants were divided into breakout groups, with each group using case studies the Tactical Tech team provided to discuss different elements related to coming back to tech. One key observation from the feedback showed that there was a tendency by the participants to focus on how to respond to online harassment as it occurs, instead of how to continue to be effective online after facing harassment.
    effective online after facing harassment.)
  • Gender and Technology Institute, Panama  + (The Gender and Technology Institute and th
    The Gender and Technology Institute and the Privacy camp for Year 2 took place in Panama in September 2017. The event was entitled “Gender and Technology Institute: Take Control Over Your Data”. It was organised in collaboration with a global organisation called Women Help Women that provide support to activists around the world about safe abortion and with a local human rights organisation. The meeting brought together 35 participants from 13 different countries around Central and South American Countries (Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Republica Dominicana, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Chile). The group was composed by women activists that work on organisations or informal collectives that provide information, counsel and/or accompaniment to women seeking safe abortions, with the hope that they would gain new knowledge and skills for improving their mitigation strategies and for updating their security protocol and that they would advice, train or influence their networks and collectives once back home. This meeting took place over five days and the main goals were to have knowledge exchange to know how data is impacting the work carried out in the field; share strategies on how to mitigate the risk associated with data; identify unique needs of the different regions, people and groups they work with; and see if and how we can compliment each others’ work moving forward. Specific curricula and facilitation methodologies was developed for the event and feed back about their suitableness for pro-choice activists around LAC was collected through the event. The open call for applications was open for two weeks and half and received 170 applications among which almost 40% came from pro-choice activists thanks to a strong diffusion by our partner WHW. Participants mainly came from Central American and Caribbean countries encompassing Mexico (7), Panama (5), Nicaragua (7), Honduras (4), El Salvador (2), Republica Dominicana (2) Guatemala (1), Costa Rica (1). Among those we find four countries which forbid abortion under any circumstance. There were also some participants from South American countries, namely from Peru (1), Colombia (1), Venezuela (1), Ecuador (1) and Chile (1) where the legal and social criminalisation of abortion is also among the harshest of all LAC. All together they brought various experiences regarding their activism, uses and practices with technologies, the risks and attacks they were facing inasmuch as their security strategies, resilience and agency. It should also be noted that one of the aims behind the selection of participants was to provide priority to centro american countries. Our research on risks and attacks faced by pro-choice activists in LAC detected that activists from those countries were facing higher level of dangers, and this finding was echoed by some of the experts invited at the 5 days preparatory meeting that took place in March 2017. They confirmed that activists from Central American countries, in comparison to activists located in south America, had in general fewer opportunities to attend training oriented towards privacy and digital security and had also in general fewer possibilities to meet and share among them.
    ossibilities to meet and share among them.)
  • Internet Governance Forum, Cyber Security and Safer Internet, Sri Lanka  + (The IGF happened from 16-18 May and there
    The IGF happened from 16-18 May and there was a School of Internet Governance running parallel to it. The main conference on the final day addressed themes such as cyber security, SDGs and the Internet, and digital rights and multistakeholderism. Interestingly, there was mention of a Women IGF on the first day as well. There was very little information available but a few of us including the Women and Media Collective decided to mobilize around the Women IGF and the main conference. We shared the IGF information with other activists and women’s rights org’s (WROs) in Sri Lanka and while some were interested and turned up, one of the main things I realized was that we need a primer of sorts on why an IGF is a relevant space for WROs. I found APC’s issue paper to be extremely useful in this respect. Our main objective was to be identified as interested stakeholders at the IGF and to highlight why women are key and relevant stakeholders in internet governance. Our strategy was to be present at the Women IGF as well as relevant sessions of the main IGF and engage with the discussions, both as participants and panelists. We also asked for and received advice and tips about engaging with an IGF from Jac and Valentina from APC which was great and much appreciated.
    APC which was great and much appreciated.)
  • Conversation, Coffee Chat at ARROW HQ Malaysia  + (The activity was a chat coffee chat sessio
    The activity was a chat coffee chat session conducted by three participants at the GTI Asia as a report back for their colleagues at ARROW and to also provide any assistance to staff who would like to further explore digital security and privacy solutions.
    re digital security and privacy solutions.)
  • F3mhack - Hacktona Feminista, Sao Paulo, Brasil  + (The cases of online harassment over women
    The cases of online harassment over women are increasing in Brazil and this has concern feminists that are using the internet to communicate, mobilize and articulate in their activities. There was a recent case of a feminist journalist that got all her online personal information stoled and was being persecuted by harassers because she posted an article about how women were excluded from geek environments. She got her information stole from one employee of an Brazilian data broker. Other cases that corned these women were about abortion posts at Facebook that exposes some girls. In Brazil abortion is illegal and the current Senate is very conservative about it. At the same time that these feminists realize that they need to know more about Digital Security, their engagement to use and learn new tools is still very small. Many don't get involved because they think that these knowledges are to advanced or they can't understand how its affects them. Discussing with a small group we realize that this happens because we still don't have a proper feminist communication for DS. That is why we really thought it was essential to have the first meeting to introduce basic stuff about online privacy and start an oriented communication. The F3Mhack was great for that and we decided to do an event with these goals.
    e decided to do an event with these goals.)
  • Digital security workshop for environmental activists, Brasil  + (The group was being monitored by companies and knew they had an infiltrated among them)
  • Digital security workshop- LAVITS, Brasil  + (The intention was to offer a practical workshop for the public that was coming to this event.)
  • Gender and Technology Institute Asia, Start up Meeting, Colombo, Skri Lanka  + (The meeting brought 12 women experts from South and South East Asia to brainstorm regarding the upcoming Gender and Technology Institute in Asia.)
  • Gender and Technology Institute Asia  + (The objective of this GTI was to: • Offer
    The objective of this GTI was to: • Offer practical support and training to enable activists in movements to be confident and skilled in their use of technology for activism in the face of online harassment. • Contextualise and localise how digital technologies are implicated in gender and sexuality rights, and freedom of expression, along with online and offline participation, particularly for women and women identified people in South and South East Asia. • Widen the existing global GTI network to include communities, movements and individuals working in South and South East Asia. • Contribute local perspectives to Tactical Tech's on going documentation around what security and privacy mean from a gender perspective.
    nd privacy mean from a gender perspective.)
  • Panel, Women Digital Trainers in LAC, IFF, Valencia  + (The panel consisted in 6 women trainers sh
    The panel consisted in 6 women trainers sharing about their background, how they engaged within the field of digital security in LAC, what motivates them but also which are the main bottlenecks they are facing. The idea of the meeting was also to enable that women engaged in that field meet each other.
    men engaged in that field meet each other.)
  • Holistic digital security training for women journalists, Mexico  + (The risks their work involves them)