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Pages using the property "Has improper value for"
This property is a special property in this wiki. Showing 25 pages using this property.
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1 | |
10 trucos para mejorar tu posicionamiento sin vender tu alma a Google + | Duration (hours) +, Number of facilitators involved + |
A | |
AWID, Coming Back to Tech, Brazil + | Number of hours + |
AWID, Tracking your period: Data economy and the risks for privacy and security of (very) personal data, Brazil + | Number of hours + |
Acompanamiento, Seguridad Digital Activistas Derecho a Decidir, Ecuador + | Number of hours + |
Asesoria, Seguridad interna, Chile + | Number of hours + |
Autodefensa Digital Feminista, FemHack Managua 2016 + | Number of hours + |
C | |
Capacitacion, Activistas derecho a decidir, Chile + | Number of hours + |
Capacitación en seguridad digital, La Paz, Bolivia + | Geo-localization of the activity + |
Charla, Ciberfeminismos, Congreso Soberania Tecnologica, Barcelona + | Number of hours + |
Coming Back to Tech, IFF, Spain + | Geo-localization of the activity + |
Cuidados, Concentración + | Number of facilitators involved +, Duration (hours) + |
Cuidados, Cuerpo + | Number of facilitators involved +, Duration (hours) + |
Cuidados, Descargar emociones + | Number of facilitators involved + |
D | |
DataDetox + | Duration (hours) + |
Digital security tips - Bar Camp Yangon,Myanmar + | Geo-localization of the activity + |
Digital security trainings, weekly, Cambodia + | Geo-localization of the activity + |
E | |
Editatona Mujeres Nicas + | Number of hours +, Geo-localization of the activity + |
Epu Txawün Pichikeche por una Infancia Libre y sin Represión, Wallmapu + | Number of hours + |
F | |
Feminist Data Politics: Quantifying Bodies + | Duration (hours) +, Number of facilitators involved + |
Ficción especulativa + | Duration (hours) +, Number of facilitators involved + |
Formacion Ciberactivismo, Cuenca, Ecuador + | Number of hours + |
Formacion Seguridad Digital, El Salvador + | Number of hours + |
G | |
Gender Tech Co-creating a safe space + | Number of facilitators involved + |
Gender Tech Researching VAW + | Number of facilitators involved + |
Gender and Technology Institute + Privacy Camp, LAC, Start Up Meeting, Barcelona + | Number of hours + |
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