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Pages using the property "Feedbacks"

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AWID, Mediactivismo, nuevas narrativas feministas, Brasil +Tuvimos una buena devolución del taller, principalmente porque la población que participó no era sólo de ALC, por lo que muchas campañas y/o acciones que se mostraron no habían sido vistas anteriormente lo que permitió que se conocieran y difundieran.  +
Autodefensa Digital Feminista Avanzado, Nicaragua +Las participantes responden positivamente al enfoque feminista de la autodefensa digital. Destacan la necesidad de replicar estos conocimientos desde el empoderamiento de nuestros espacios digitales y dispositivos; y no desde el miedo. Un par de participantes habían participado de espacios de seguridad digital en el pasado y afirman que el enfoque técnico, poco explicativo, fue una barrera para su aprendizaje.  +
Autodefensa Digital Feminista, FemHack Managua 2016 +"Me sirve de mucho conocer las herramientas y cómo usarlas. Me gustó el dinamismo de la metodología. Me hubiese gustado tener m̪ás tiempo." "Me gustó que nos hayas dado herramientas para protegernos. Me serviría más análisis de situaciones de violencia y acoso en las redes, para tener una idea de cómo reaccionar en las situaciones comunes." "Considero que fue un espacio de hacer conciencia, de cómo protegernos. Me gustaría que fuera más extenso para poder compartir las distintas experiencias y conocer más herramientas"".  +


Campaign Zero Trollerance, Internet +What were the impressions ?  +
Capacitación en seguridad digital, La Paz, Bolivia +Tanto las reacciones como los comentarios al finalizar la actividad fueron positivos. Las dudas principales se dieron en torno al uso del correo electrónico y a la seguridad en redes sociales. Los asistentes quedaron asombrados cuando se develaron las cuestiones digitales de la que se sirven corporación y gobernantes.  +
Charla, Ciberfeminismos, Congreso Soberania Tecnologica, Barcelona +Interes por parte de las participantes  +
Charla, Privacidad, Seguridad Digital y Ciberfeminismos: Experiencias desde Latino América, Barcelona +Las participantes recibieron muchas preguntas y conversaciones posteriores a la charla denotando el interes por compartir acerca de las tematicas tratadas  +
Conmemoración dos años impunidad asesinato Macarena Valdes, Chile +La verdad es que gran parte de la actividad fue posible gracias a la agrupación, la familia tiene un desgaste emocional gigante, macarena dejo cuatro hijos, y como decíamos anteriormente el proceso judicial no avanza, al contrario una y otra vez se presentan más dificultades; la comunidad también está cansada; está compuesta principalmente por mujeres mayores, en un sector aislado en la montaña. También existe división desde lo Mapuche, pues son cada vez más los presos políticos y los distintos casos de montajes a líderes y mapuche que defienden el territorio todo este desgaste genera muchas veces, que las acciones desde wallmapu sean menos masivas, también existe mucho temor a participar, muchas personas no quieren verse vinculadas a estas demandas por las fuerte réplicas de la represión, montaje y hostigamiento a las que se pueden ver expuestas. Siempre las acciones en las ciudades más grandes como Santiago son masivas y más difundidas que las que se generan en el o los mismos territorios donde han sucedido los hechos de violencia  +
Criptofiesta: ¡aprende a cifrar tus correos! +Las participantes destacaron la buena onda, y buen rollo, el ambiente y las metodologías. Necesitaron un poco más de tiempo para practicar. Tuvimos problemas de conexión.  +
CryptoFest, Nicaragua +What were the impressions ?  +
Cryptorave - Feminist digital security workshops Lab-Ada, Brasil +We need to do more events like that.  +


Digital Trainers Summit - Circumvention Tech Festival, Spain +You can read in the storytelling section three testimonials from women that participated to the DTS during the CTFː,_Spain,_Spain,_Spain  +
Digital security and privacy session - Geek Girl festival, Kenya +Many participants were happy to have attended the conference and a lot of enlightened discussions around cyber-bullying was talked about.  +
Digital security for Women, Bosnia +Review of participants evaluation showed that all participants felt this training had empowered them and enable them to better understand links between gender, feminism, tech related violence, privacy and digital security.  +
Digital security for the Association of Media Women, Kenya +What were the impressions ? The participants found the sessions useful not only in their professional lives but also in their personal and academic life. The sessions were structured to be as responsive to the developing needs of the participants and there was open interaction towards finding practical solutions even beyond the training days. One participant remarked- " It is like I attended a full course." At the end of the training participants committed to being part of the driving force at the association on matters tech, gender, security and advocacy.  +
Digital security meetup for women human rights defenders, Kenya +Need for follow up training.No one offs  +
Digital security open and weekly trainings, Mexico +What were the impressions ?  +
Digital security training for political activists, Cuba +“la facilitación y organisacion del taller es muy buena ya que las profesoras era organizadas y daban una dinámica muy positiva” “Muy buena mi impresión, personas fabulosas, en paciencia para ensenar, buena preparación de los contenidos y muy seguros organizándolo” “Pensaba que solo seria sobre la seguridad de nuestros ordenadores y documentos ya que no he tenido mucha interacción en internet” “No creía que fuera mala para nada pero no me imaginaba tampoco que iba a ser tan bueno y provechoso” “nunca pensé que la impresión iba a hacer lo que me llevo. Porque pensé que eran temas de seguridad obsoletos”  +
Digital security training for women activists from the Balkans, Macedonia +Feed back from participants was extremely positive as you can read below: 1.What did you think about the training, facilitation and organization of the workshop?: a. the training was one of the most important ones. The facilitators were very kind and friendly. The time tough, was a bit short, would be perfect having one additional day. b. I find it very useful. The facilitators were very patient:) They did their best, in order us to understand something. I am very thankful for being -consistently- and following our suggestions from the everyday evaluations. Every day evaluations are very good. c. I loved the training, especially how the three of you interacted + run it smoothly. It was a bit challenging we come as different users so I would have loved more practical work for some who already read on theory. On the other hand - your explanations were great - really interesting + engaging us all. d. The training was very interesting. It created a lot of possibilities to me to know what are the options for secure online communication. Facilitators were very attentive and great. e. It was one of the best trainings i have ever attended!!! Facilitation was perfect. I liked that there were three facilitators and topics were shared. f. Though I got tired and was difficult to process all the information. I loved the whole thing. It was interesting, with lots of information that can be useful. Facilitation was great. The three of you. Trying to keep it simple and still go through so many things. Like the way you work together. Maybe we needed longer breaks and a slower race at least I did. g. I think that you are great! h. I think it is of a great importance. Although it was a lot of information in a short time, I was interested and it kept my attention. Trainers were great! i. The content of the training was a bit packed. Maybe it would be better to concentrate on few tools or programs than general overview of more tools. It was hard for me to switch of new framework after integrated security and be concentrated as previous days, the focus was another issue. j. The workshop open to me a new view of thinking about DS. The topics were great but you could little more felt a group. To many information, too many for my perspective k. It was extremely informative, very useful. Sometimes too overloaded with info I and it was difficult to follow but still received a valuable info. l. It was conducted really well having in mind the abstract content but it was explained in so basic and visual manner that it is very clear for me and rememberable, at least the basic things. Facilitation was wonderful, except for the presence of all three facilitators, it wasn't quite equal at some moments dominated by one. But I liked they were three and all different, it gave me a more balanced feeling. m. Facilitation was really good. Trying to make complicated things as simple as possible. The group was eclectic so not all participants were strong in technologies but all of them are taking at least something from the training. n. very interesting for me useful for my job and my life. Facilitators were great. Professionals and with high quality knowledge. Thanks o. Perfect p. the training was very useful and interesting. Facilitators are great and helpful.  +
Digital security training for women activists from the Balkans, Turkey +Feedback of the participants: What did you think about the training, facilitation and organization of the workshop? a) I think it was really good. They were well organized, training is real source of useful information and facilitators gave a lot of effort to simplify everything, so we could understand. b) It was well organized, I felt good about it. Trainers were very good and I am thankful to them for this training c) Everything was very good. Especially the trainers. It was something new for me, the topic and a challenge. d) Encryption was great, the trainers were very professional and friendly and I believe they made us all interested in topics we usually don't find very interesting. e) Training was very useful, especially because I didn't have chance until now to attend this kind of workshop. f) Excellent!! Very important training, very useful. Trainers were amazing!! Great approach, very political! Good balance between theory and practice. g) The importance of this training cannot be compared to other things. Digital security is more important that it seems and very serious. The facilitation was very good and practical. The organization was good. h) The training was organized excellent and the trainers were very professional and helpful. Also I consider that this workshop should have a follow-up :) i)I think everything was perfect. j) It was very good. Trainers are top quality and very good in explaining. The atmosphere was very pleasant. k) Very good organization and facilitation l) Almost everything was good. I mean almost because we didn't get to know mobile security. But I will try to figure out at security in a box m) Very well organized  +
Digital security trainings for female students, Pakistan +For Hamara Internet Campaign, Digital Rights Foundation partnered with International groups like Tactical Technology Collective and local groups like Peshawar 2.0 and City University Peshawar. Young women and men from Universities were extremely interested to do the larger conference and involve more university students at broader level.  +
Digital security workshop - Les Degommeuses +good  +
Digital security workshop for environmental activists, Brasil +What were the impressions ?  +
Digital security workshop- LAVITS, Brasil +What were the impressions ?  +


Europarlament, Digitale Revolution Feminist, Brussels +What were the impressions ?  +
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