
Learning objectives

From Gender and Tech Resources

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Install party free software vs gender codes +- Increase the philosophical and political understanding of free software - Understand and think about the possible parallels between free software and feminism / radical gender policies - Learning and sharing concepts around gender - Meet within a group - Create a live P2P system  +
Install party software libre vs códigos de género +- Aumentar la comprensión filosófica y política del software libre - Comprender y pensar en los paralelos posibles entre software libre y feminismo/políticas radicales de género - Aprender y compartir conceptos en torno al género - Conocerse dentro de un grupo - Crear un sistema P2P vivo  +


Mobile Browsing +See what gets shared with others through your browser, and how. Then take concrete steps to make your web browsing more private and secure. See how and why your browser might not be as secure as you might think, and where insecurities lie. Understand what 'encryption' means, how the internet works (infrastructure), and how and why online tracking fuels advertising. Know what is meant by 'anonymity' online, and understand the basics of Tor. Be able to make informed decisions about which browsers to use Be able to limit data traces left through the browser Android: Learn how to install and customise Firefox, and install and use Orbot and Orfox iPhone: Learn how to customise Safari to limit tracking.  +
Mobile Communication +How does mobile communication work? Who has access to your information along the way? And what you can do to take back some control over what information others have access to? Understand the basics of mobile technology: how a mobile phone and mobile communications infrastructure work, and what data traces you leave behind. Understand the trade-offs and basic security issues related to Android, iPhone, Windows and Feature phones respectively.  +
Móvil 1: Funccionamiento +- Invitar a las personas participantes a hablar y pensar en la tecnología móvil (también conocida como telefonía celular) como un conjunto de componentes familiares, con el objetivo de desmitificar la tecnología. - Comprender como funciona la infraestructura de telefonía móvil - Explicar las diferentes capas de privacidad y seguridad digital que tiene un teléfono móvil - Identificar las diferencias entre el sistema Android, iPhone, Windows (para teléfonos), y los teléfonos más sencillos (2G).  +
Móvil 2: Complementos +- Comprender la importancia de la navegación segura desde el teléfono móvil - Aprender a navegar de forma segura desde el teléfono móvil - Conocer los complementos que sirven para asegurar la navegación desde el teléfono móvil - Identificar los criterios que se deben tomar en cuenta al momento de elegir un teléfono móvil y los servicios para asegurar la privacidad  +


Privacy Analogue data shadows +Visualising offline what we mean by 'data shadows' and thinking through news ways that these could be created in our everyday lives.  +
Privacy From data shadows to data brokers +Thinking through how the data traces we leave are used, and how they fit into business models of the companies who have access to them.  +


Security PGP 101 +Understanding the basics of PGP and encryption  +
Security: Password security +To understand the need for secure passwords, and to be aware of other people's experiences in this space.  +
Seguridad digital en campañas feministas +Dialogar la seguridad digital como parte de la defensa personal feminista. 1) Juego de presentación yo me nombro con un movimiento 2) Qué herramientas usamos para nuestras acciones (trabajo en grupos) 3) Vulnerabilidades de nuestras acciones usando tecnología (input de la facilitadora) 4) Cómo introducimos la seguridad digital dentro de la defensa personal feminista  +
Self Care, Concentration +Tools to concentrate, handle situations of crisis / anxiety / stress  +
Self care, Body +Connect with the body and release accumulated physical stress  +
Self care, Emotions +Download emotions accumulated during the day and acquire tools to work emotions (in particular anxiety) both personally and collectively  +


Threat analysis +To identify and prioritise what are the potential threats related to their work and their well-being in the context of their activities, and analyses its impact as elements of risk.  +
Threat analysis - Digital Security Indicators +To define and explore security indicators in their current situation. To know best practices around sharing and analysis of security indicators.  +
Threat analysis - Individual responses to threat +Understanding stress management as something which helps us better manage our security. Develop physiological responses to threat and tactics for maintaining calm.  +
Threat analysis - Information Mapping I +To understand the importance of information as an asset which is valuable to ourselves, our allies and our adversaries and as a resource one can establish reasonable control over. To mapp sensitive information managed in the context of work and its characteristics.  +
Threat analysis - Information Mapping II +To understand how data travels electronically and the points at which it can be subjected to surveillance, adding important actors including internet service providers, online service providers etc. to the actor maps. To detect basic threats to sensitive information for responses.  +
Threat analysis - Introducing context & risk analysis +To know existing strategies and tactics for security, protection and well-being. Profound context analysis as key to making informed decisions.  +
Threat analysis - Security planning +To know the essential elements of a security strategy and plan as useful in organising and underpinning our security.  +
Threat analysis - Situational analysis +To learn about current trends in the situation in which HRD operate, to develop a critical analysis of sources of information and identify strengths & weaknesses of current approach. To analyse the political, economic, social, technological context from a security perspective.  +
Threat analysis - Vision and Actor Mapping +Identification of the communities and people participants work with and for: allies, who can also protect them. Identification of actors who are opposed participants, their resources, and their modus operandi in opposing them.  +
Training: Training Skills I +Thinking through what components are needed within a successful training workshop, primarily from the side of the trainer.  +
Training: Training design I +Understanding the cultural and societal context that different participants are coming from, to help participants design the most appropriate and effective training workshop schedule.  +
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