Duration (hours)
1 +
Kind of learning session
Holistic +
Learning objectives
Be able to identify various elements (digi … Be able to identify various elements (digital, physical, psychosocial) and their interconnectedness in a practical scenario on security management.
Active recognition of the subjectivity and emotional dimensions of security; awareness and inclination to act on security and taking it seriously. o act on security and taking it seriously. +
Number of facilitators involved
1 +
The session plan constitutes a scene setter/grounding exercise at the beginning of a training (possibly followed by collecting expectations, making agreements etc.) +
Technical needs
Sheets of paper with printed scenario, or projector, flipchart/whiteboard, markers +
Theoretical and on line resources
Holistic Security Guide +
Title of the tutorial
Introduction to Holistic Security +
Tutorial category
Discussion +
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27 August 2015 12:29:44 +