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From Gender and Tech Resources

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|Start when ?=2016/04/23
|Start when ?=2016/04/23
|End when ?=2016/07/24
|End when ?=2016/07/24
|Number of hours if only one day ?=8
|Number of hours if only one day ?=14
|Geo-localization of the activity ?=12.1149926, -86.2361744
|Geo-localization of the activity ?=12.1149926, -86.2361744
|Who organize it=Tactical Technology Collective and Enredadas
|Who organize it=Tactical Technology Collective and Enredadas
|organisation(s) website=https://enredadasnicaragua.blogspot.com.es/
|organisation(s) website=https://enredadasnicaragua.blogspot.com.es/
|For whom is it organized=WHRD, women activists
|For whom is it organized=WHRD, women activists
|How many people trained=25
|How many people trained=21
|Motivations for organizing training=This training was oriented at a variety of woman human rights defenders and activists located in Managua. Before that event, the regional start up meeting was organised gathering 12 women representative of different organisations from LAC in order to prepare the Gender and Technology Institute to be held in Ecuador some months later. The regional start up meeting aims were to design the facilitation methodologies, curricula and sessions design, agenda and how to ensure the safety of participants through the process. The follow up training held in Managua enabled us to test some experimental sessions we have designed in the previous meeting and gather feed back from the women engaged in the training. It enable also a part of the facilitation team to meet and train together their training skills.
|Motivations for organizing training=This training was oriented at a variety of woman human rights defenders and activists located in Managua. Before that event, the regional start up meeting was organised gathering 12 women representative of different organisations from LAC in order to prepare the Gender and Technology Institute to be held in Ecuador some months later. The regional start up meeting aims were to design the facilitation methodologies, curricula and sessions design, agenda and how to ensure the safety of participants through the process. The follow up training held in Managua enabled us to test some experimental sessions we have designed in the previous meeting and gather feed back from the women engaged in the training. It enable also a part of the facilitation team to meet and train together their training skills.
|Topics addressed=Training, Digital security, privacy, feminism, WHRD
|Topics addressed=Training, Digital security, privacy, feminism, WHRD

Latest revision as of 12:16, 14 September 2016

Title Training about gender, privacy and security for WHRD from Nicaragua
Category Privacy Advocacy Digital Security Gender and Tech
Start 2016/04/23
End 2016/07/24
Hours 14
Geolocalization 12° 6' 54", -86° 14' 10"
Loading map...
Organisation Tactical Technology Collective and Enredadas
Website https://enredadasnicaragua.blogspot.com.es/
Target audience WHRD, women activists
Number of participants 21
Context and motivations This training was oriented at a variety of woman human rights defenders and activists located in Managua. Before that event, the regional start up meeting was organised gathering 12 women representative of different organisations from LAC in order to prepare the Gender and Technology Institute to be held in Ecuador some months later. The regional start up meeting aims were to design the facilitation methodologies, curricula and sessions design, agenda and how to ensure the safety of participants through the process. The follow up training held in Managua enabled us to test some experimental sessions we have designed in the previous meeting and gather feed back from the women engaged in the training. It enable also a part of the facilitation team to meet and train together their training skills.
Topics Training, Digital security, privacy, feminism, WHRD
Media Nicatraining.jpg
Agenda IA 1

Sábado 23 de Abril

9:30 - 10:00 Bienvenida y puesta en contexto Gema Presentación de la agenda y reglas de convicencia Alex

10:00 - 11:00 Tu relación entre el género y las tec Dinámica en parejas. Cuéntense - Tu inicio en las tecnologías, experiencias de uso y para qué las uso

11:00 - 11:15 BREAK REFRIGERIO

11:15 - 12:15 Cómo produces datos Nube de palabras y percepciones ¿Qué queremos proteger, qué datos, qué procedimientos? Dinámica de mapa de información

12:15 - 13:00 Diseño de las sesiones basándose en los mapas de necesidades y riesgos

13:00 - 15:00 ALMUERZO

15:00 - 15:30 Sesión 1 ¿Cómo funciona internet? Dinámica Circulación de tus datos

15:30 - 16:00 Sesión 2 Encriptación - Anonimidad, Contraseñas Seguras dinámica de baile

virus, antivirus y cifrado


16:15 - 17:15 Sesión 3 Redes Sociales o Encriptación

redes sociales

¿cuáles y cuántas usas? paso adelante y paso atrás según qué tipo de redes usas

analizar riesgos y beneficios de las más usadas ¿esta RS te permite usar seudónimo? ¿esta RS es clara con sus términos y condiciones? ¿permite etiquetar sin consentimiento?

analizar configuraciones de seguridad de cómo usas tú esa RS geolocalización

objetivos de la sesión - distinguir entre datos más públicos y más privados (cosas de un colectivo // cosas personales). problematizar si las redes sociales son espacios públicos o no. - cómo visibilizarse sin exponerse a una misma - poner a otras personas en riesgo - metadatos. pensar en la memoria de la red ¿es tuya? ¿es de ellos? - contraseñas

- memoria ¿de quién es la memoria?

a partir de estas preguntas desarrollar protocolos simples para reducir riesgos y vulnerabilización

17:15 - 17:30 Conclusiones de la sesión y evaluación de + y D

DIA 2 Domingo 24 de Abril

9:30 - 10:00 Revisión de la agenda, ajustes y recordar

10:00 - 11:00 Sesión 4 Móviles - Gestión de mi dispositivo o Sesión 4 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos

11:00 - 11:15 BREAK REFRIGERIO

11:15 - 12:15 Sesión 5 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos

12:15 - 13:00 Sesión 6 Mitigación y gestión de riesgos

13:00 - 14:30 ALMUERZO

14:30 - 15:30 Siguientes pasos

15:30 - 16:30 Conclusiones y siguientes pasos REFRIGERIO

Resources - Cazador cazado (Alicia Murillo):


- Alerta Machitroll https://actua.karisma.org.co/alertamachitroll/

- Respuesta colectiva dramatizando en el rap Una Un Menaza machista: https://vimeo.com/52009695

Campaña autogestionada "No queremos que salir a la calle sea un campo de batalla" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ94Xt1m0lM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcijXB7vF1Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ofUl-wfT8

(E)stereotipas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eWD9pw2OT79WFmwBUKD8w

Cualca https://www.youtube.com/user/malepichot

Example de - de GIF A partir de U n comentario machista (Brasil): http://mulherrodada.tumblr.com/

- Generador de GIF · http://picasion.com/es/ http://giphy.com/

- Crear gif de baño GIMP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 9Qlk7KUHNzw

- C omo subir ONU gif facebook: http://www.yoseomarketing.com/blog/como-subir-publicar-gif-animado-facebook/

- Aplicación en celular Para Hacer del GIF: Gif 2 de vídeo https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id= Com.gif2video.main & hl = es_419

- Memes feministas https://memesfeministas.wordpress.com/

- Generador de memes: http://www.memegenerator.es/

- Músicas reversionadas: Torta golosa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61629gZa5T4 Gasolina (Vaga de totes, Huelga de todas): https://soundcloud.com/vaga-de-totes/vagadetotes-gasolina-canela-fina

Una canción para el embustero el #ObispoMATA(Nicaragua) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCJDOYv9Dqg No queremos mediación, Las Hijas del Maíz (Ley 779 Nicaragua) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQXKLwk7UOM Rechazo a los femicidios (Nicaragua) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WymKUcFDS6Q

- Video doblado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulqP7bA338M&list=PLxEFKupkppkgM5GBR3ODrG-8c3BxXzwzR

- Aplicación de video para software libre para editar video: https://kdenlive.org/

Analisis terminos de uso, politicas de privacidad plataformas redes sociales comerciales https://myshadow.org/lost-in-small-print/

Recursos seguridad / Manuales etc...

Manual Zen y el arte de hacer que la tecnologia trabaje para ti https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual/es (castellano) https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual (ingles) https://securityinabox.org/es Caja de herramientas de seguridad

Cyberfeminismo https://vimeo.com/user8966514 http://donestech.net/ https://transhackfeminist.noblogs.org/ https://f3mhack.org/index.php/es/

Bibliotecas Feministas online https://feminism.memoryoftheworld.org http://biblioteca-feminista.tumblr.com/ http://sidocfeminista.org/biblioteca-virtual (Nicaragua)

Califica tus redes sociales https://www.takebackthetech.net/es/calif%C3%ADcalas-%C2%BFte-parece-suficiente-lo-que-hacen-las-redes-sociales-frente-la-violencia-hacia-las

Proyectos interesantes: Proyecto emisora (radio emisora alimenada por electricidad de las papas) http://www.aec.at/nextidea/proyecto-emisora/ LibresLocasLab > artículos sobre privacidad, software libre y gobernanza de internet http://www.marcha.org.ar/privacidad-en-internet-entre-nosotras-si-hay-secretos-bien-guardados/ http://www.marcha.org.ar/quien-gobierna-la-internet-blancos-burgueses-bravos/ http://www.marcha.org.ar/lista-decidir-software-libre-vos/

Música Feminista Gaby Baca (Nicaragua) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Sfmz6EPwk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqSTotFpicg

Nativa (Costa Rica) https://soundcloud.com/voznativa

Para cifrar tu android https://securityinabox.org/es/android_basica Para cifrar tu iphone https://ssd.eff.org/es/module/como-cifrar-tu-iphone Kits básicos de seguridad https://ssd.eff.org/es

Feelings The training went very well as it enable the facilitators to better know each other and test their facilitation methodologies together.
Feedbacks All evaluations were highly positive and we could also record their feed back during one hour. All participants underline the importance of showing and using feminist examples in relation to groups working on the ground, inasmuch as feminist approaches to technologies.
Start Testing new learning session designs in this kind of experimental training that include feed back from the participants.
Keep Developing a feminist approach to privacy and digital security