
From Gender and Tech Resources

Revision as of 14:50, 25 May 2015 by Helen (Talk | contribs) (Step 2: Building safe spaces)

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Zen and the art of making your tech work for you

Including Gender into privacy and security

Welcome to this wiki that will be edited in the next three weeks and turn into an awesome many hands, brains and hearts crafted manual. This is a roadmap FROM FIRE TO DESIRE TO INSPIRE.

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Introduction: What does it mean to include gender into privacy and security?

Who: Alexandra, Valentina, Nuria


Including gender in privacy and digital security      

1. Context and distance travelled       

2. Acknowledging gender roles and Violence Against Women along the technological cycle (From production of technologies; Access, Uptake and development; Governance of Internet and ICT; end of life of technologies)

3. Shifting from exclusion and discrimination processes (inclusion and self-inclusion of women in ICT and the opportunities this brings for all)

4. Adopting an intersectional and integrated (holistic) approach to privacy and digital security

5. A feminist internet and its reflection on policy, violence against Women, privacy and digital security

6. Safe Spaces as Feminist Practices (Relationship between Offline and Online, what are Safe Spaces, Safe Space Online?

7. Building Online Safe Space for you and your collectives/organizations (Netiquette, Feminist Principles of the Internet, Why are these principles important?)



  • Show existing links between privacy and security from a gender and inter-sectional approach
  • Convince WHRD and LGTBI activists that privacy and security consists of different but interconnected elements (ie physical, digital and well-being)
  • Support and empower WHRD and LGTBI to adopt better privacy and security behaviors by knowing methods, processes and liberating technologies
  • Provide arguments, methodologies and examples to get the buy in from their organisations/communities to adopt integrated approaches which include gender into privacy and security
  • Understanding the different type of gaps into technology access, uptake, use and development
  • Shifting paradigm from exclusion to self-inclusion

Step 0: Mapping your data and devices

Length: 6 pages

Who: Alex, Marte (4)

Step 0


  • Assessing privacy and security risks requires first to understand what should be protected
  • Better management of data and devices from a physical and psycho-social well being perspective

--Alex (talk) 14:45, 25 May 2015 (UTC)== Step 1: Understanding and managing your digital shadow ==

Step 1

   1. Knowing our digital shadow and the traces we leave in the internet
       1.1 Understanding our digital shadow
       1.2 What is a digital shadow?
       1.3 Why are these data collected?
       1.4 Exploring our own digital shadow
       1.5 Strategies of obfuscating our digital shadow
       1.6 Hiding parts of our content and metadata
       1.7 Self-Doxing
       1.8 Social domains: Our several small-world networks
       1.9 Can we change our identities and our digital past?
   2. Assessing risks and potentials: how to choose which online identity fits our purpose
       2.1 "Real" or virtual identity?
       2.2 Strategies for separating identities online
       2.3 Persistent Pseudonymity
       2.4 Collective Identity
   3. Securing and anonymizing our connections
       3.1 Securing our identities
       3.2 Creating and using strong passwords
       3.3 Anonymizing tools
           3.3.1 VPN: accessing the web through an encrypted tunnel
           3.3.2 Torbrowser: anonymous web browsing
   4. Creating a new online identity
       4.1 Virtual suicide?
       4.2 Disposable email and mail aliases
       4.3 What’s in a name?
       4.4 Writing our own story
       4.5 Creating a site of one’s own
       4.6 A credible persona
   5. Managing multiple online identities
       5.1 A different profile for each persona
       5.2 Managing our identities on social networks
       5.3 Alternative social networks
       5.4 Collective virtual personas
       5.5 Managing collective identities... or simple collective accounts
       5.6 Crabgrass: a social network for managing groups
   6. A different machine for each identity
       6.1 Tails: a live system that leaves no traces
       6.2 Security by isolation: Qubes OS
       6.3 Tails, Whonix, Qubes OS: how to choose



  • Understanding digital shadow and metadata
  • Awareness on risks and empowering potential of online identities (using real names, pseudonyms, collective names and anonymity)
  • Creating new online identities
  • Managing various online identities

Step 2: Building safe spaces

Sophie, Faith (4), Paula (4)

Step 2

   1 Building Online Safe Space for you and your collectives/organizations
       1.1 What is Netiquette?
       1.2 How to set up a Safe Space Mailing list?
           1.2.1 Choosing a mailing list
           1.2.2 Open or closed list?
           1.2.3 Public or Private list?
           1.2.4 Who should I invite?
           1.2.5 Who will administrator the list?
           1.2.6 Mailing list policies
           1.2.7 Dos and don’ts on mailing list
       1.3 What are Pads?
       1.4 What is Internet Relay Chat (IRC)?
           1.4.1 How it works?
       1.5 Crabgrass: a social network for managing groups
       2.1 Feminist Counterspeech
       2.2 Wikipedia?
       2.3 What does it mean to Storm Wikipedia?
       2.4 How to organise a Wikistorming?
       2.5 Installing Bots Against Trolls And Swarming Toghether
           2.5.1 What is a troll?
           2.5.2 How should you deal with trolls?
           2.5.3 Swarming
           2.5.4 Do I have to use my own account?
           2.5.5 Automation
           2.5.6 What's a bot?
           2.5.7 How can a bot battle a troll?
           2.5.8 Things to watch out for
           2.5.9 Evading Twitter's spam filters
           2.5.10 How to set up a Twitter account to be used as a bot
       2.6 Dos and don'ts supporting people subject to online violence
       2.7 What are some of the current platforms which document online violence?
   3 Building safe spaces offline
       3.1 You are a woman in tech and want to build an offline 'safe space'? Here is how you do it?
       3.2 Women only?
       3.3 What are you trying to do?
       3.4 The Brick and Motar of an offline Safe Space
       3.5 Formalising the space
       3.6 Respecting Privacy
       3.7 Case Studies
           3.7.1 Eclectic Tech Carnival (ETC)
           3.7.2 Flossie
       3.8 What is a Feminist Hackerspace?
       3.9 Which Criteria Do I Use to Assess Whether a Space is Safe or Not?


  • Becoming a moderator well aware of fundamentals of net-etiquette and how to contribute to the creation and enforcement of social rules within online communities
  • Understanding how to build Safe spaces online and offline
  • Gaining knowledge on process and methodologies to “reclaim” and maintain yourself and your collective into “hostile” spaces
  • Become aware of current initiatives and processes that can be replicated in your community, organization, collective in order to become a safer space



  • Understanding major current challenges in relation to privacy and security posed by commercial and governmental agents managing our information infrastructure
  • Assessing how a technology is a liberating and empowering one for women and LGTBQ activists
  • Becoming aware of not for profit, citizen alternatives for OS, hardware, data hosting and ISP
  • Learning to pay attention and shape with your allies, organization, community your own communication infrastructure to minimize risks of being surveilled, shut down and/or censored.