
From Gender and Tech Resources

Revision as of 15:05, 3 May 2015 by Alex (Talk | contribs)

Zen and the art of making your tech work for you

Including Gender into privacy and security

Welcome to this manual that will be edited in the next three weeks and turn into an awesome many hands, brains and hearts crafted one. This is a roadmap FROM FIRE TO DESIRE TO INSPIRE. Read more about how to add contents to this manual here

Introduction: What does it mean to include gender into privacy and security?

Length: 8 pages Who: Alexandra, Valentina



  • Show existing links between privacy and security from a gender and inter-sectional approach
  • Convince WHRD and LGTBI activists that privacy and security consists of different but interconnected elements (ie physical, digital and well-being)
  • Support and empower WHRD and LGTBI to adopt better privacy and security behaviors by knowing methods, processes and liberating technologies
  • Provide arguments, methodologies and examples to get the buy in from their organisations/communities to adopt integrated approaches which include gender into privacy and security

Step 0: Mapping your data and devices

Length: 6 pages Who: Alex, Marte

Step 0


  • Assessing privacy and security risks requires first to understand what should be protected
  • Better management of data and devices from a physical and psycho-social well being perspective