
Learning objectives

From Gender and Tech Resources

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10 trucos para mejorar tu posicionamiento sin vender tu alma a Google +Contribuir a la comprensión del funcionamiento de las motores de búsqueda comerciales, para optimizar el alcance de nuestros contenidos de defensa de los derechos humanos en Internet.  +


Contraseñas seguras +Consejos sencillos para crear contraseñas seguras de manera análoga.  +
Cuidados, Concentración +Herramientas para concentrarme, manejar situaciones de crisis / ansiedad / estrés  +
Cuidados, Cuerpo +Conectar con el cuerpo y destensar tensiones físicas acumuladas en estos días  +
Cuidados, Descargar emociones +Descargar emociones acumuladas durante el día y adquirir herramientas para poder trabajar emociones (en particular ansiedad) tanto a nivel personal como colectivo  +


DataDetox +To introduce participants to the idea of reducing their data traces by working through the Data Detox Kit. the DDK was developed as part of the My Shadow program for use and distribution in the Glass Room  +


Feminist Data Politics: Quantifying Bodies +This session falls under the theme 'Feminist Data Politics'. It aims to give participants a background and orientation to how 'big data' is not new, but emerges in the 19th century. In this session participants will explore the data collection by menstruation apps and think critically about what this means for a feminist politics of big data.  +
Ficción especulativa +Producir relatos, ficciones, narrativas e imaginarios radicales que sirvan como modelos y alternativas a los modelos existentes. Estos nuevos imaginarios pueden orientarse a un tema en concreto (por ejemplo, el derecho a decidir y los imaginarios en torno al aborto); o pueden remitir a la creación de narrativas que permitan imaginar y soñar con posibles futuros relacionados al género y la tecnología desde perspectivas feministas. Como objetivos específicos y puntuales: - Comprender cómo operan y funcionan las narrativas patriarcales (en torno al aborto, a las tecnologías y al mundo en general) para poder deconstruirlas. - Adquirir herramientas para la producción de imaginarios radicales y contra-hegemónicos, comprender el poder del lenguaje como espacio creador de realidad.  +


Gender Tech Co-creating a safe space +To come up with a shared list of agreements to be following during the rest of the workshop, in order to create a safe space for all participants.  +
Gender Tech Collective stories +Constructing a group narrative around security and self care, to encourage participants to think about what collectives or organisations can do in the area of security.  +
Gender Tech Herstory Exhibition +Learning about key figures in history from other parts of the world, and sharing those you admire and look up to.  +
Gender Tech Online/Offline Cyberfeminism +Understanding what is the Relationship between Offline and Online from a cyberfeminist perspective; Understanding essential properties of Internet in relation to shaping identity online and displaying subjectivities.  +
Gender Tech Personal Experiences +Learning from the experiences of others in the room with you, and having an opportunity to share your stories in a safe space with other people. For people present who perhaps haven't had so many experiences in this realm, it presents a good opportunity to listen from those who have had other experiences.  +
Gender Tech Personal Memories +To think about participants own personal relationships with technology, and when gender stereotypes started to play a role.  +
Gender Tech Privilege in Tech +Demonstrating physically differences in privileges with regards to technology, and thinking through how these affect access to, and presence in, the tech community  +
Gender Tech Researching VAW +Sharing experiences with each other on the topic of documenting and researching violence against women, and having an area to discuss openly any problems participants may have come across in this area  +


Hands On How the internet works +To understand what happens online when we send and receive an email, how many parties are involved, and how this changes with encrypted messages.  +
Hands On Understanding the group – Spectrogram +Understand and visualise the variety of opinions and perspectives that are in the room, ideally towards the beginning of the workshop.  +
Hands On What does your internet look like? +Understanding basic fundamentals about how the internet works, and providing a space for participants to ask questions they may have about the 'building blocks' that feature in other hands on sessions.  +
Holistic Security - Demonstrating the interconnectedness +Be able to identify various elements (digital, physical, psychosocial) and their interconnectedness in a practical scenario on security management. Active recognition of the subjectivity and emotional dimensions of security; awareness and inclination to act on security and taking it seriously.  +
Holistic security - A day in your life +Recognising the need for security in all areas of our lives – both online and offline – and understanding the different ways in which we deal with security risks.  +
Holistic security - Collective Memory +- Understand the significance of collective memory and the steps that can be taken to secure it. - Provide means to think about security from a holistic perspective, both personally and within a movement.  +
Holistic security - Communications Security +Create understanding on how communications work and it's inherent insecurities in a non technical way. Provide a framework for approaching digital security and communications in general.  +
Holistic security - Self care +Exploring the price activists pay for their work in terms of individual health and happiness, and personal relationships.  +
Holistic security - What is Security? +Objective: Grounding the notion of security in the day-to-day life and experience of the participants. Participants defining what security means for them. Introducing the idea of holistic security.  +
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