Petty tyrants

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This page contains several narratives collected during an anonymous journey organised by way of the "petty tyrant" mindmap. The “petty tyrants” are mentioned in The Fire Within [1]: A petty tyrant is a tormentor. Someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction. Petty tyrants teach us detachment.


Primal source of energy, ruler of the universe (alias "life is a bitch/bastard, and then your die").

God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. ~ Terry Pratchett, Good Omens

Petty Tyrants

Tyrannical rulers or authoritarian persons who actually hold power over life or death of others. We gather data on “things” to connect dots to find stories (working theories) for further investigation into “things” to find counter moves healthy for ourselves, life, and others. We use lawful techniques and tools. And if need be we invent new (GNU and creative commons licensed) techniques and tools [2].

  • Pillage & Plunder: Modern war is a combination of military, economic, political, and propaganda pressure against "the enemy", fought on all fronts at once. What western nations have used for centuries is a two-pronged strategy, one energy-driven (aimed at securing more resources from the rest of the world) and the other security-driven (aimed at enhancing the capacity to intervene in exactly such locales), that governs policies toward much of the world.
  • Red pill or blue pill? - Spent time searching the subject of who your social media friends might be? Ever wonder what the intelligence agencies are up to with fake profiles? Driven mad at people who derail intelligent discussions? It’s simple. In information operations, the goal is to create people who ‘are what they think’ to the advantage of ‘the man behind the curtain’ or a center tower all-seeing eye as described in Foucaults panopticon.
  • Panopticon
  • Game of drones
  • Biometrics

Minor Petty Tyrants

Tormentors who are fearsome and inflict misery, but do not hold any real power over life or death of others. In digital contexts we have sockpuppets and trolls.

  • Sockpuppetry (using false identities for deception) is centuries old, but the web has made creating sockpuppets, and falling for their tricks, easier than ever before. And we can make our own, if only for understanding our adversaries and finding countermoves.
  • Trolling on the internet fits this category. You can not control whether you will become a target of trolls but you can decide if you will be a victim. Knowing that the troll’s goal is to elicit a reaction instead of a response, you can initially use the famous “Don’t Feed The Trolls!” defense, but if maintained this gives the trolls even more power as it gives them the power to silence you.

Little Petty Tyrants

Tormentors with violence and cruelty; inducing fear through deviousness; subjugating another through sadness; or by making another act in anger or rage.

  • Cyberbullying is also not under our control. And in the current state(s) of society, some of our little ones and more vulnerable members of society are in need of help, the help they are not getting locally because everybody is too busy making money and racing around for that.

Teensy-weensy Petty Tyrants

These are the tormentors who are just frustrating, exasperating and annoy to distraction. IMHO hanging out with those now and again is also a great exercise in not giving power away and not taking someone elses power away either.

  • Petitioning authorities acknowledges authorities in their role. The constant stream of people asking for help with spreading petitions and the like can be quite annoying, but, if running a no-censorship soapbox operation, must be relayed. I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Thank you Voltaire. Kindly.
The ingredients of the new seers' strategy shows how efficient and clever is the device of using petty tyrants for detachment. The strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it also prepares warriors for the final realisation that impeccability is the only thing that counts in the path of knowledge.
  1. The Fire From Within:
  2. Portal - 'Still Alive'