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There are a wide range of popular publishing platforms that are easy-to-use and free of fees. However, it is useful to remember that these companies make their money out of your data, which means you quickly loose control of it. This is a choice you have to make. If you want a complex graphic layout, or need to install particular tools that are not offered by Wordpress and its plugins, you can create your own website. For this you need to get some space in a server through a webhosting service or host it yourself using for instance autonomous servers. If you are using webhosting by others, there are many services out there, but since they generally aren’t free, the options to stay completely anonymous are reduced to creating a website with Austistici/Inventati, which by default does not connect the users of its services with their real identities. To learn more about Autistici/Inventati’s webhosting service, visit: (