Encryption trainings for journalists, Mexico

From Gender and Tech Resources

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Title Training on encryption for journalists
Start 2015/05/05
End 2015/05/05
Hours 4
Scale Mexico
Geolocalization 23° 38' 4", -102° 33' 10"
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Organisation Espora
Website http://limeddh.espora.org/
Target audience journalists
Number of participants 8
Context and motivations
Topics Journalists, DST, Mexico, Spanish
Links Articles, videos, photos on-line, ...
Media [[File:]]
Agenda It was a 4 hours workshop oriented at journalists working for a news portal. Their primary means of communication to deliver news is the email but they were suspicious that their emails were being infiltrated by the competition and government agencies because some of their secrete communication appeared first in other journals and because there have been many intrusions attempts into their servers. The purpose of the this workshop was simply to learn to encrypt their mail. It was oriented at people that has a hiugh level of access and use of ICT. The workshop was held Friday during extra hours time once the portal edition of 6PM was over. This workshop was harder because although journalists were somehow aware of the risks, there was not such a clear idea and interest for combating threats. There was a highly pragmatic perspective that if the implementation of those DST were too time consuming in daily base they would be impossible to use for their journalistic duties. In this case I felt I needed documentation to give to them about the risks journalists are subjected because of not securing their digital security tools. It also felt super important to offer to journalists targeted trainings that can fit thoir agenda and be highly personalized in order to accompany them in that process. These experiences have prompted me to finally open the ADA community space (www.ada.org.mx) for one day a week in order to advise / join / share digital security elements in a playful way beginning by the meetings “Saturday and hacking craft beer”. Those have been held during the last three weeks and have been very positive.

Soon more plans coming on the agenda that we will be sharing with you

Take care
