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= Issues about Security, Privacy, Anonymity =
== Issues about Security, Privacy, Anonymity ==
* Datas and states
* Data and states
* Datas and companies
* Data and companies
* Datas and citizens
* Data and citizens
* Datas and art
* Data and art
== So what ? ==
== So what ? ==
* Holistic security
* '''Holistic security''' : Physical security + Psycho-social security + digital security http://holistic-security.org/
* Make some noise ! encrypt to increase the cost of surveillance
* '''A global recipe''' : Autonomous infrastructures - Free Libre Open Source Softwares - end to end encryption
* Magic recipe : Autonomous infrastructures - Free Libre Open Source Softwares, end to end encryption
* '''Make some noise !''' encrypt to increase the cost of surveillance
= Icebreaking =
* qui utilise win / mac / linux
* qui ds la salle est journaliste activiste membres d'ong membre des services de renseignement
* qui a déjà reçu un virus informatique
* qui a déjà reçu un spam, un faux e-mail d’hammoçonage
* qui a déjà été victime d’attaques en ligne, de harcèlement en ligne, de troll
* qui a déjà perdu des données sensibles
* qui connaît edward snowden, julian Assange,
* qui donnerait son mot de passe à son/sa petite amie, sa famille, ses amis
= Cartographie des activités et des risques =
Pluie d’idée par rapport à la sécurité : évoquer des mots évoquant la sécurité informatique
'''3 dimensions''' : bien être / matériel / informatique > '''sécurité holistique''' https://holistic-security.tacticaltech.org/
* Intégrité physique de soi même et de ses appareils
* Bien être moral, social
* Sécurité informatique
Il est en effet difficile d'avoir des pratiques sures ou d'apprendre quand on est fatigué ou sous pression
== Mapping activities and risks ==
'''Cloud of ideas and words related to security''' > questions to establish a baseline of privacy and security knowledge
= Dessiner sa journée technologique =
== Draw your tech day ==
'''Dessiner ses interactions avec des appareils numériques''', quel type de données y sont stockées, transportées, données qu'ils produisent activement et les données reçues d'autres personnes (dans le réseau)
'''Draw your interactions with your digital devices''', from the morning to the moment you go to bed, including what kind of data you receive, you produce, you transfert and exchange with other people
* Présentation collective de "sa" journée technologique
* > la sécurité est un jeu collectif, /!\ maillon faible dans son réseau
* > changer ses mots de passe, utiliser des dispositifs chiffrés, faire des backups
* > les basiques de la sécurité digitale : antivirus, back-up, phrase de passe complexe
* > se connecter de façon sure, chiffrement des communications, anonymisation
Questions à se poser par rapport à la sensibilité des données'''
* qu'est qui se passerait si données disparaissent ou "ennemie" à accès à ces données
* est-ce que ces données contiennent beaucoup de données personnelles  (permettant de retrouver la personne dans le monde physique)
Il s'agit d'un exercice à répéter dans l’analyse permanente du risque pour réactualiser périodiquement le modèle de menace auquel on s'expose et ainsi les réponses qu'il convient d'y apporter : mettre en place les procédures d'hygiène, changer passwd …
== Ask yourself good questions ==
#  Read up and '''educate yourself about your country's internet laws and policies'''. Some security technologies such as encryption are illegal in some countries, for example.
# Inform yourself about your '''country's laws and policies in relation to freedom of expression, right to privacy and against online and offline harassment'''. Those laws do not exist in all countries, and when they exist they are not framed and applied in the same way.
# Keep your '''computer and devices clean and healthy''': Updating your software, running a firewall, and protecting yourself from virus infection are fundamental to the security of your data
#'''Map your data''': What kind of data do you produce and/or manage? With whom? Where is this data stored? Which devices or online platforms hold your data? Most importantly, how sensitive is your data and what would happen if this particular data suddenly disappeared or was seen and copied by a third party?
# '''Secure your data''': Especially where our data is stored online, it is crucial to '''choose strong passwords, or better passphrases''', and to use a different one for each of our accounts.
# '''Connect safely to the internet''': When going online, especially if you are transmitting personal data and passwords, it is crucial to always use an encrypted connection which ensures that your data cannot be seen by anyone as it travels from your computer to the website you are visiting or to the service you are using.
# '''Anonymise your connections''': There are sometimes good reasons to hide your physical location and your internet activities. Tor browser anonymises your connections when you're browsing the internet, by hiding the sites you are visiting from your internet service provider, and hiding your location from the sites you visit.
# '''Secure your communications''': you might want to consider tools you can use and ways you can change your behavior to increase your security when using mobile phones as well as options for email and instant messaging
# '''Practice self-care''': Nothing is secure if we only think about technology and we neglect our wellbeing. If you are exhausted, stressed or burnt out, you might make mistakes that impair your security.
= Sécuriser ses données =
'''You should repeat periodically this exercise of permanent risk analysis so as to update the threat model and the answers you could put into practice'''
* Commencer par passer son Ordinateur sous Linux !
* Protéger son ordinateur contre les logiciels malveillants et les pirates
* Antivirus : ClamAV (Libre et gratuit) http://www.clamav.net/ http://fr.clamwin.com/ https://securityinabox.org/fr/avast_principale
* Assurer la sécurité physique de ses données
* Créer et sauvegarder des mots de passe surs > KeepassX https://www.keepassx.org/ et le plug in pour firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/
* Détruire définitivement des donnes > https://securityinabox.org/fr/eraser_main
== Se créer un espace de stockage chiffré pour y mettre des fichiers à l'abri ==
== Secure your devices and data ==
* Protéger les données sensibles sur son ordinateur > truecrypt, développement subitement arrêté, mais version 7.1 toujours fiable https://securityinabox.org/fr/truecrypt_main
=== Computer ===
* CipherShed : le successeur de TrueCrypt https://github.com/CipherShed/CipherShed
* '''Switch your computer to linux''' ;)
* Tomb sous Linux https://www.dyne.org/software/tomb/ '''[[Tomb|Voir la page dédiée à Tomb]]'''
* '''Protect your computer against malware and virus''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/malware
Ce logiciel permet créer un espace de stockage de taille définie portable et offrant une clef qui peut être transportée séparément. C''est idéal pour stockage de mot de passe et autres fichiers sensibles, le logiciel offre également la possibilité d'intégrer la clef à une image via la stéganographie
* '''Protect your information from physical threats''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/physical
[[Fichier:Tomb n bats.png|500px|centré]]
* '''Create and maintain secure passwords''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/passwords
* '''Destroy sensitive information''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/destroy-sensitive-information
=== Mobile phone / tablet ===
*'''Use mobile phones as securely as possible''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/mobile-phones
*'''Use smartphones as securely as possible''' https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/smartphones
*'''Encrypt your mobile phone''', basic Android security setup guide https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/basic-setup/android
= La vie du réseau =
== What is Internet ? ==
== C'est quoi Internet ? ==
'''A network of networks of computers''' : Your computer > Internet Service Provider > router > gateway > backbone > sever serveur / routeur
=== Structure physique ===
* serveur / routeur
* FAI / Backbones
* cartes des backbones
* http://maps.level3.com/default/ ou http://www.submarinecablemap.com/#/landing-point/marseille-france
* http://maps.level3.com/default/ ou http://www.submarinecablemap.com/#/landing-point/marseille-france
* http://www.teliasoneraicmap.com/
* http://www.teliasoneraicmap.com/
* http://www.vox.com/a/internet-maps 40 maps that explain the internet
* http://www.vox.com/a/internet-maps 40 maps that explain the internet
* https://www.sprint.net/images/network_maps/full/Global-Global-IP.png
=== Adresse IP ===
* identifie toutes les machines connectées à internet
* différence entre ip global et ip local
* démo ping
* démo traceroute https://securityinabox.org/fr/eraser_main voir aussi bordercheck pour visualiser par où transitent nos infos https://github.com/epsylon/Border-Check
* visualiser graphiquement l'activité du réseau local http://etherape.sourceforge.net/
* URL -> IP par DNS
=== Paquet IP ===
=== What is an IP address ? ===
'''échange découpé en petits paquets'''
'''An IP address identify your computer inside a local network''' (it is a private IP, for example, then your internet box provide you '''a public IP address''' connected to Internet (for example Each network devices is identfied by a unique physical address called the MAC address (for example f4:6d:04:3a:ef:55)
* paquet IP  
* visualize your ip address and the geolocalization of your computer http://whatismyipaddress.com/
* fonctionnement théorique internet : fonctionnement ordi / cable / serveur, réseau existant, backbones
* demo traceroute : visualize where your traffic is going http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/visual-tracert/
* fonctionnement pratique (wireshark) : étude de paquets en temps réel
* install party couches de protection:
* Considérer l'unicité de son navigateur https://panopticlick.eff.org/index.php?action=log&js=yes
== Comment une donnée circule dans le réseau ==
* https://trackography.org/ + Lightbeam + carte des réseaux transatlantiques
=== Exercice jeu de rôle ===
== How the data are circulating in the network ==
'''exercice : gmail, mail du pays par FAI > FAI, gateway, routeur, serveur : chacun incarne un acteur du réseau, on fait circuler des données de différentes façons'''
If you tried the previous link, you can see that your request reach a server that can be on the other side if the world. But there are third parties that collect informations and datas on your navigation, most of the time to gather informations about you and to sell it for commercial purposes (we call them data brokers), so in function of the website, one single request can be tracked by up to more than twenty other companies ...
1 contenu et meta-data, lisible
* https://trackography.org/ > Choose a country and a newspaper and see who is collecting data when you go to this website
2 on chiffre : on ne voit plus le contenu
3 TOR + riseup : ok mais meta données toujours visibles
démo Pidgin + OTR : authetification : question secrète, authentification
<embedvideo service="vimeo">https://vimeo.com/163562609</embedvideo>
= Préserver la confidentialité de ses communications sur le web =
=== Internet role play ===
== Le web - Navigateur et plug-ins ==
'''Each person become an element of the network :'''
* Anti pub ublock origin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/ (Première utilisation : cliquer sur le bouclier rouge, puis sur "ublock origin" → Liste de filtres → Mettre à jour Maintenant et vérifier que la case "mettre à jour les listes… " est cochée )
* Computer A
* Éviter le tracking  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/
* ISP box at home
* Limiter les traces que l'on laisse  Privacy Badger https://www.eff.org/privacybadger
* Gateway to Internet
* Crypter la communication entre son ordi et le serveur : passer en HTTP'''S''' autant que possible  https everywhere https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
* Backbone
* Eviter de récupérer des virus via le web et le javascript https://noscript.net/
* Trans-oceanic cable
* Bloquer et débloquer à la demande le plug-in flashblock https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashblock/
* Gmail server
* Un bon tutoriel pour se protéger : http://standblog.org/blog/post/2015/08/27/Flicage-brouillon-Partie-4-chapitre-28-Choisir-et-personnaliser-son-navigateur
* Autonomous Tchat server
* Public wifi access point
* Computer B
'''Now, let's send a "normal" e-mail from computer A to computer B and let's see who can read what between metadatas and the content of the mail. Repeat the exercise with an encrypted e-mail, with a normal tchat and an encrypted tchat'''
== Moteurs de recherche alternatifs ==
'''Pour ajouter un moteur de recherche à Firefox''', voir https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/ajouter-ou-supprimer-un-moteur-de-recherche-dans-firefox
* https://duckduckgo.com/ voir aussi les bangs https://duckduckgo.com/bang : en ajoutant !wfr dans la recherche on va chercher directement sur wikipedia
== Reduce your digital shadow ==
=== The web - Browser and plug-ins ===
* '''To remove adds''' : ublock origin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/
* '''To prevent tracking''' : betterprivacy  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/
* '''To reduce our digital shadow''' : Privacy Badger https://www.eff.org/privacybadger
* '''To use as much as possible encrypted communication''' between our computer and the server :  HTTP'''S''' everywhere https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
* '''To avoid viruses from web pages''' and javascript https://noscript.net/
* '''To avoid viruses from Flash content''' : flashblock https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashblock/
=== Alternative search engines ===
'''To add a new search engine to Firefox''', see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/add-or-remove-search-engine-firefox
* https://duckduckgo.com/ see also the bangs https://duckduckgo.com/bang : if you add "!w" to your request, it will search directly on wikipedia
* https://www.qwant.com/
* https://www.qwant.com/
* https://startpage.com/
* https://startpage.com/
* https://framabee.org/ meta moteur customisable
* https://searx.laquadrature.net/ meta hackable search engine
== Evaluer la traçabilité de sa configuration navigateur + OS ==
le "fingerprinting" permet de nous identifier à partir de la combinaison : système d'exploitation, navigateur et ses configurations et extensions, taille de l'écran ...
* tester l'unicité de sa config : Panopticlick http://panopticlick.eff.org/
== Supprimer les métadonnées des fichiers==
=== Evaluate the traceability of your system and browser ===
Les métadonnées sont des données associées au fichier lui-même, une pĥoto peut par exemple intégrer des données de géolocalisation, le nom de l'auteur, le logiciel utilisé pour la traiter, la définition de l'appareil photo, ... voir https://blog.mathiasblanchemanche.ch/2015/10/21/Anonymiser%20les%20m%C3%A9tadonn%C3%A9es%20d'un%20fichier.html
'''The "fingerprinting"''' allow one to identify us in function of our configuration : operating system, browser configuration, plug-ins, size of our screen, ...
* utilisation de l'outil [http://sourceforge.net/projects/exiftool/ Exiftool] :
* to make a test : Panopticlick http://panopticlick.eff.org/
Pour demander au logiciel de remplacer toutes les informations contenues dans les métadonnées par “petit chaton” (remarquez l’originalité) tout en écrasant la donnée originale :
=== Remove metadata from files ===
'''Metadata are included in pictures, text documents, videos''', and can include geolocalization, the name of the autor and many more informations
* see the tool  [http://sourceforge.net/projects/exiftool/ Exiftool] : to remove metadata :
  exiftool "-all:all=petit chaton" -overwrite_original *.ogg
  exiftool "-all:all=petit chaton" -overwrite_original *.ogg
= Utiliser les emails de façon plus sure =
<embedvideo service="vimeo">https://vimeo.com/106165094</embedvideo>
== Fournisseurs de courriels sympathiques ==
== Use emails in a safer way ==
=== Alternative email providers ===
* https://help.riseup.net/  
* https://help.riseup.net/  
* http://no-log.org/  
* http://no-log.org/  
* http://autistici.org  
* http://autistici.org  
* https://www.openmailbox.org/
* https://www.openmailbox.org/
* https://protonmail.ch/ too fresh ?
* https://mailinabox.email/
* https://mailinabox.email/
* https://tutanota.com/fr/ too fresh ?
* https://whiteout.io too fresh ?
* https://eu.ixquick.com/startmail/c/ mail encrypté facile à mettre en oeuvre (payant)
* https://www.newmanity.com/ une boite française, gratuit pour les particuliers
== Utiliser des mails jetables ==
=== Disposable emails ===
* https://www.guerrillamail.com/
* https://www.guerrillamail.com/
* https://www.sharklasers.com/
* https://www.sharklasers.com/
Line 155: Line 128:
* https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/bloody-vikings/
* https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/bloody-vikings/
== Chiffrer ses mails avec PGP ==
=== Encrypt mails with PGP ===
'''Il convient de combiner un client mail type Thunderbird et le plug-in enigmail :'''
'''With a combination of thunderbird and enigmail plug-in :'''
* PGP avec enigmail et thunderbird https://securityinabox.org/fr/thunderbird_utiliserenigmail
* PGP avec enigmail et thunderbird https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/thunderbird/windows
* Tutoriel pour chiffrer ses mails de la FSF https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/fr/
* Tutorial from FSF https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/
* https://securityinabox.org/fr/thunderbird_utiliserenigmail
* http://lehollandaisvolant.net/tuto/gpg/
'''Ressources PGP :'''
* https://futureboy.us/pgp.html
* expiration http://www.g-loaded.eu/2010/11/01/change-expiration-date-gpg-key/
* compléments http://rys.io/en/147
* 15 reasons not to start using PGP http://secushare.org/PGP
* 15 reasons not to start using PGP http://secushare.org/PGP
=== Communication and exchange services ===
'''Let's use alternative services without any commercial purposes''' FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source), to replace skype, dropbox, doodle, google doc, ... :
* Dégoogleise Internet https://degooglisons-internet.org/
== Services de communication et d’échange ==
'''Utiliser des services alternatifs aux services commerciaux''', idéalement FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source → Logiciels Libres), afin de remplacer skype, dropbox, doodle, google doc, ... :
* Dégoogleisons Internet : https://framasoft.org/ voir les services proposés https://degooglisons-internet.org/list
= Discuter en direct en texte > chat =
=== Tchat ===
* pidgin associé à OTR https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/
* pidgin with à OTR https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/
* https://crypto.cat/
* https://crypto.cat/
* https://pond.imperialviolet.org/
* https://pond.imperialviolet.org/
* https://ricochet.im/
* https://ricochet.im/
* https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-messenger-beta-chat-over-tor-easily
* https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-messenger-beta-chat-over-tor-easily
= Discuter en direct en texte, audio, vidéo =
=== Visioconference ===
* chat et visioconférence avec jit.si https://jitsi.org/Main/Download / installation : https://jitsi.org/Documentation/SetUpJitsiAccount / ouvrir un compte https://jit.si/
* chat with visioconference with jit.s https://jitsi.org/Main/Download / installation : https://jitsi.org/Documentation/SetUpJitsiAccount / open an account https://jit.si/
* ou directement dans le navigateur : https://meet.jit.si/ ou https://www.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/hello/
* directly in the browser : https://meet.jit.si/ or https://www.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/hello/
* voir également Tox qui est supposé remplacer skype https://tox.im/fr
* Tox to replace skype https://tox.im/
= Préserver son anonymat, contourner la censure =
== Preserve your anonymity, circumvent censorship ==
'''En utilisant Tor''' (The Onion Router, outil pour anonymiser certaines connexions), '''Tails''' (Système Linux orienté anonymat), '''un VPN''' (connexion chiffrée entre 2 points : soi-même et son founisseur de VPN)
'''Use Tor''' (The Onion Router), '''Tails''' (Live Linux amnesic operating system), '''a VPN''' (create a tunnel between you and your vpn provider)
* Pour utiliser TOR : https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
* TOR : https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
* Pour utiliser TAILS : https://tails.boum.org/install/index.fr.html
* TAILS : https://tails.boum.org/install/
* Pour utiliser un VPN : http://fr.flossmanuals.net/comment-contourner-la-censure-sur-internet/services-vpn/ ou via Riseup https://help.riseup.net/fr/vpn
* VPN : https://help.riseup.net/fr/vpn
'''Comprendre la différence entre anonymisation et chiffrement'''
<br />
* video gpg tactical tech https://tacticaltech.org/projects/decrypting-encryption https://vimeo.com/132517596
* tor browser : explique comment Tor peut vous permettre de cacher votre géolocalisation https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTorProject
Questionner la limite de ces outils : qui possède les serveurs ? qui développe les algo de cryptage ? qui a inventé ssh ?
<br />
<br />
'''Understand the difference between encryption and anonymity'''
* video gpg tactical tech https://tacticaltech.org/projects/decrypting-encryption https://vimeo.com/132517596
<embedvideo service="vimeo">https://vimeo.com/132517596</embedvideo>
* tor browser : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTorProject
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWII85UlzKw</embedvideo>
= Installer, administrer son propre serveur pour garder le contrôle sur ses données==
== Social network ==
* en louant un serveur http://ovh.com ou mutualiser un serveur associatif  http://www.marsnet.org (Marseille)
=== Let's ask some good questions ===
* Liste des hébergeurs associatif/alternatif en France voir http://www.hebergeurslibres.net
'''How is the web service on which I'm willing to sign in is earning money ? What is its economical model ? '''
* en s'autohébergeant https://freedomboxfoundation.org/
* Yunohost : Serveur in a box ou comment avoir un serveur de mail, de blog et autres outils facilement sur Raspberry Pi et + https://yunohost.org
* A compléter avec le projet "La brique Internet" qui permet d'avoir différents points d'accès sans fils chez soi passant par Tor, un VPN ou en direct http://labriqueinter.net/
[[Fichier:Dude yunohost.jpg|centré]]
'''Set up the privacy settings of your account''', strong passwords, use d'https
= Utiliser des réseaux sociaux =
'''Define which kind of information you are publishing''', did everybody agreed ? :
== Se poser les bonnes questions ==
*who can see the informations I published
'''Quel est le modèle économique du site sur lequel je m'inscris ? Qu'est-ce qui lui permet d'exister ? '''
*Who is the owner of the information I published
*What kind of personal informations can I transfer to other people
*Are my contacts ok with the fact that I share informations about them with others ?
*Do I trust all the persons with which I'm in contact ?
Consider that event if you are not inscribed on Facebook, Facebook will build a shadow profile about you (Friends inviting me on facebook ...), be careful when using your Facebook or google account to sign in another web service
'''Réglages des paramètres de confidentialité''', mots de passe sûrs à changer, utilisation d'https
'''Bien déterminer quel type d’informations on publie''', obtenir l’accord de tiers :
=== Choose between 4 strategies concerning your on-line identity ===
*qui peut voir l’information que je mets en ligne
* '''Real name'''
*qui est le propriétaire de l’information que je publie sur le site de réseautage social
**''Risk'': Using your "real world" identity online means you are easily identifiable by family members, colleagues, and others, and your activities can be linked back to your identity.
*quels renseignements à mon sujet mes contacts peuvent-ils transférer à d’autres parties
**''Reputation'': Others can easily identify you, thus gaining reputation and trust is easier.
*Est-ce que mes contacts sont à l’aide avec le fait que je partage leurs renseignements avec d’autres
**''Effort'': It requires little effort.
*Fais-je bien confiance à toutes les personnes avec qui je suis en réseau ?
*'''Total anonymity '''
**''Risk:'' It can be beneficial at times, but also be very difficult to maintain. Choose this option carefully.
**''Reputation'': There are few opportunities to network with others thus to gain trust and reputation.
**''Effort'': Intensive as it requires considerable caution and knowledge. It will probably require the use of anonymisation tools (for example '''Tor''' or '''TAILS''')
*'''Persistent pseudonymity'''
** *''Risk'': Pseudonyms could be linked to your real world identity.
**''Reputation'': A persistent pseudonym that others can use to identify you across platforms is a good way to gain reputation and trust.
**''Effort'': Maintenance requires some effort, particularly if you are also using your real name elsewhere.
* '''Collective Identity'''
**''Risk'': Possible exposure of your real world identity by other people's actions in the group.
**''Reputation'': While not a way to gain individual reputation, you can still benefit from the reputation of the collective.                                               
**''Effort'': Although secure communications are still important, it requires less effort than total anonymity.
Même en ne s'inscrivant pas, des plateformes (Facebook, linkdin) créent des "shadow profiles" à notre insu
'''More about this question''' : https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual#Creating_and_managing_identities_online
Gare à la création de comptes sur d’autres plateforme avec son compte facebook, google
=== 4 strategies to alter our digital shadow ===
== Mobile / Smart Phone ==
How a mobile phone is working,  triangulation, autorisations asked by applications, metadata, alternative operating system, signed applciations, rooting and jailbreaking
== Choisir entre 4 types d’identité ==
=== Encrypt your phone, pass phrase, use FLOSS applications ===
*'''ton nom réel''' : plus facilement identifiable mais génére de la crédibilité et influence
'''Recommended softwares to communicate and exchange''' :
*'''anonymat''' : permet des expressions d'opinion sur des questions mal vues et sensibles, option la plus difficle à maintenir, peu d'opportunité de générer un réseau de solidarité
* See the market dedicated to Free Libre Open Source applications http://f-droid.org/
*'''identité pseudonymique''' : risque d'identification dans le monde réel, mais possible
* And the applications developed by par https://guardianproject.info/ (available in f-droid)
*'''pseudonymat collectif''' : identité collective anonymous guerilla girl, risque si un membre du collectif fait des bêtises, nourrir les imaginaires et les actions avec cette identité collective
=== Mobile applications renowned as safe in june 2016 ===
Always check on https://securityinabox.org/en/mobile-tools to see if an application is still safe
== 4 stratégies pour altérer son ombre digitale ==
'''Les différents niveaux stratégiques''' : installation de programme et d'appli, génération de contenus et de meta-données (explication de la différence), utilisation de dispositifs matériels (comment on se connecte au net)
*'''fortification''' : créer des barrières, restreindre l'accès et la visibilité, monitorer qui te suit qui tente de compromettre, creer des comptes ds tous les medias sociaux pour baliser le terrain, antivirus et spyware à jour, quarantaine, chiffrer, cacher ta webcam, migrer vers os plus surs comme gnu/linux
*'''réduction''' : moins c'est mieux, combiner tactiques pour générer un manque de données sur soi : nettoyer et éliminer comptes et profils non-utilisés, ignorer et bloquer des applications et services digitaux non nécessaires, résister à la publication d'images et d'infos sur soi et son collectif, utiliser des vieux devices
*'''obfuscation ou camouflage''' : plus de données tu génère, c'est le mieux : dévaluer la valeur de l'info, rompre les routine de navigation (apps et plug in), générer du bruit avec son identité (ouvrir différents comptes avec x identités), se cahcer dans la mutlitude ou ds identité collective (bien lire le zen manual), ne pas contaminer, créer des personnages crédibles (voir fakena ds zen manual pr créa id crédibles
*'''compartimentation''' : bien compartimenter tes données, tes identités : bien déterminer ses domaines sociaux et bien les compartimenter, maintenir séparés, isoler la surface d'attaque
= Téléphone mobile / intelligent =
Fonctionnement de la téléphonie, triangulation, autorisation des applications, metadonnées, OS alternatifs, applications signées, rooting et jailbreaking
== Chiffrer son téléphone, mot de passe sur, utiliser des applications libres ==
Logiciels à recommander pour la communication et l’échange
* Voir le magasin d'applications libres de droits http://f-droid.org/
* Voir particulièrement les applications proposées par https://guardianproject.info/
== Logiciels mobiles réputés sures (au 06 2016)==
*Telegraph et Snapchat qui ne sont pas libres mais chiffrent de bout en bout
*Telegraph et Snapchat (not FLOSS but end to end encryption)
*Orbot + Orweb (naviteur type Tor bundle)
*Orbot + Orweb (web browsing threw Tor network)
*Android Privacy Guard (chiffrement d'emails)
*Android Privacy Guard (emails + GPG)
*Obscuracam pour occulter les visages
*Obscuracam to hide people's face
= Libérer son téléphone =
=== Free your phone ===
* Libérer son Android : http://fsfe.org/campaigns/android/liberate.fr.html + http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/android-and-users-freedom.html
* '''Free your Android''' : http://fsfe.org/campaigns/android/liberate.fr.html + http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/android-and-users-freedom.html
== Specific questions ==
=== How can I ask Google to forget about me ===
* At least in Europe https://support.google.com/legal/contact/lr_eudpa?product=websearch
=== How can I create a mobile application from a responsive design web site ===
At the end, no straight easy answer (yet), some resources :
* With Cordova https://github.com/MobileChromeApps/mobile-chrome-apps and http://taco.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/create-a-hosted-app/
= Synthèse des bonnes pratiques =
== Good practices, a synthesis ==
'''Backup, phrases de passes solides, utilisation de logiciels FLOSS, Infrastructure autonome sympathique (Yunohost, services non commerciaux), sécurité holistique, actualisation de l’évaluation des risques, réseau de confiance, Safe spaces'''
'''Backup, strong pass phrase, FLOSS Opératiing system and softwares, Autonomous infrastructure (Yunohost, non commercial), holistic security, update of the threat model network of trust, Safe spaces'''
Qu'est que l'on commence, qu'est que l'on arrête, qu'est-ce que l'on continue de faire ?
After the workshop, what would you
doing ...
'''Évaluation de l’atelier'''
== Identifying good resources ==
= Identifying good resources =
* Security in a box https://securityinabox.org/ tools revised by a pool of digital security trainers, download the software from there
* Security in a box https://securityinabox.org/ tools revised by a pool of digital security trainers, download the software from there
* Me and my shadow https://myshadow.org/ tips for mobile phone and browser
* Me and my shadow https://myshadow.org/ tips for mobile phone and browser
Line 277: Line 250:
* About Dating apps : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/02/comparing-privacy-and-security-online-dating-sites http://www.forbrukerradet.no/appfail-en/ https://grindrmap.neocities.org/overview.html
* About Dating apps : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/02/comparing-privacy-and-security-online-dating-sites http://www.forbrukerradet.no/appfail-en/ https://grindrmap.neocities.org/overview.html
* A webserie about privacy, big data, surveillance ...  "Do not track me" https://donottrack-doc.com/en/episodes/
* A webserie about privacy, big data, surveillance ...  "Do not track me" https://donottrack-doc.com/en/episodes/

Latest revision as of 15:32, 27 June 2016

Issues about Security, Privacy, Anonymity

  • Data and states
  • Data and companies
  • Data and citizens
  • Data and art

So what ?

  • Holistic security : Physical security + Psycho-social security + digital security http://holistic-security.org/
  • A global recipe : Autonomous infrastructures - Free Libre Open Source Softwares - end to end encryption
  • Make some noise ! encrypt to increase the cost of surveillance
Content holisticsecurityvenn.png

Mapping activities and risks

Cloud of ideas and words related to security > questions to establish a baseline of privacy and security knowledge

Draw your tech day

Draw your interactions with your digital devices, from the morning to the moment you go to bed, including what kind of data you receive, you produce, you transfert and exchange with other people

Ask yourself good questions

  1. Read up and educate yourself about your country's internet laws and policies. Some security technologies such as encryption are illegal in some countries, for example.
  2. Inform yourself about your country's laws and policies in relation to freedom of expression, right to privacy and against online and offline harassment. Those laws do not exist in all countries, and when they exist they are not framed and applied in the same way.
  3. Keep your computer and devices clean and healthy: Updating your software, running a firewall, and protecting yourself from virus infection are fundamental to the security of your data
  4. Map your data: What kind of data do you produce and/or manage? With whom? Where is this data stored? Which devices or online platforms hold your data? Most importantly, how sensitive is your data and what would happen if this particular data suddenly disappeared or was seen and copied by a third party?
  5. Secure your data: Especially where our data is stored online, it is crucial to choose strong passwords, or better passphrases, and to use a different one for each of our accounts.
  6. Connect safely to the internet: When going online, especially if you are transmitting personal data and passwords, it is crucial to always use an encrypted connection which ensures that your data cannot be seen by anyone as it travels from your computer to the website you are visiting or to the service you are using.
  7. Anonymise your connections: There are sometimes good reasons to hide your physical location and your internet activities. Tor browser anonymises your connections when you're browsing the internet, by hiding the sites you are visiting from your internet service provider, and hiding your location from the sites you visit.
  8. Secure your communications: you might want to consider tools you can use and ways you can change your behavior to increase your security when using mobile phones as well as options for email and instant messaging
  9. Practice self-care: Nothing is secure if we only think about technology and we neglect our wellbeing. If you are exhausted, stressed or burnt out, you might make mistakes that impair your security.

You should repeat periodically this exercise of permanent risk analysis so as to update the threat model and the answers you could put into practice

Secure your devices and data


Mobile phone / tablet

What is Internet ?

A network of networks of computers : Your computer > Internet Service Provider > router > gateway > backbone > sever serveur / routeur


What is an IP address ?

An IP address identify your computer inside a local network (it is a private IP, for example, then your internet box provide you a public IP address connected to Internet (for example Each network devices is identfied by a unique physical address called the MAC address (for example f4:6d:04:3a:ef:55)


How the data are circulating in the network

If you tried the previous link, you can see that your request reach a server that can be on the other side if the world. But there are third parties that collect informations and datas on your navigation, most of the time to gather informations about you and to sell it for commercial purposes (we call them data brokers), so in function of the website, one single request can be tracked by up to more than twenty other companies ...

Internet role play

Each person become an element of the network :

  • Computer A
  • ISP box at home
  • Gateway to Internet
  • Backbone
  • Trans-oceanic cable
  • Gmail server
  • Autonomous Tchat server
  • Public wifi access point
  • Computer B

Now, let's send a "normal" e-mail from computer A to computer B and let's see who can read what between metadatas and the content of the mail. Repeat the exercise with an encrypted e-mail, with a normal tchat and an encrypted tchat


Reduce your digital shadow

The web - Browser and plug-ins


Alternative search engines

To add a new search engine to Firefox, see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/add-or-remove-search-engine-firefox


Evaluate the traceability of your system and browser

The "fingerprinting" allow one to identify us in function of our configuration : operating system, browser configuration, plug-ins, size of our screen, ...

Remove metadata from files

Metadata are included in pictures, text documents, videos, and can include geolocalization, the name of the autor and many more informations

  • see the tool Exiftool : to remove metadata :
exiftool "-all:all=petit chaton" -overwrite_original *.ogg

Use emails in a safer way

Alternative email providers

Disposable emails

Encrypt mails with PGP

With a combination of thunderbird and enigmail plug-in  :

Communication and exchange services

Let's use alternative services without any commercial purposes FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source), to replace skype, dropbox, doodle, google doc, ... :




Preserve your anonymity, circumvent censorship

Use Tor (The Onion Router), Tails (Live Linux amnesic operating system), a VPN (create a tunnel between you and your vpn provider)


Understand the difference between encryption and anonymity

Social network

Let's ask some good questions

How is the web service on which I'm willing to sign in is earning money ? What is its economical model ?

Set up the privacy settings of your account, strong passwords, use d'https

Define which kind of information you are publishing, did everybody agreed ?  :

  • who can see the informations I published
  • Who is the owner of the information I published
  • What kind of personal informations can I transfer to other people
  • Are my contacts ok with the fact that I share informations about them with others ?
  • Do I trust all the persons with which I'm in contact ?

Consider that event if you are not inscribed on Facebook, Facebook will build a shadow profile about you (Friends inviting me on facebook ...), be careful when using your Facebook or google account to sign in another web service


Choose between 4 strategies concerning your on-line identity

  • Real name
    • Risk: Using your "real world" identity online means you are easily identifiable by family members, colleagues, and others, and your activities can be linked back to your identity.
    • Reputation: Others can easily identify you, thus gaining reputation and trust is easier.
    • Effort: It requires little effort.
  • Total anonymity
    • Risk: It can be beneficial at times, but also be very difficult to maintain. Choose this option carefully.
    • Reputation: There are few opportunities to network with others thus to gain trust and reputation.
    • Effort: Intensive as it requires considerable caution and knowledge. It will probably require the use of anonymisation tools (for example Tor or TAILS)
  • Persistent pseudonymity
    • *Risk: Pseudonyms could be linked to your real world identity.
    • Reputation: A persistent pseudonym that others can use to identify you across platforms is a good way to gain reputation and trust.
    • Effort: Maintenance requires some effort, particularly if you are also using your real name elsewhere.
  • Collective Identity
    • Risk: Possible exposure of your real world identity by other people's actions in the group.
    • Reputation: While not a way to gain individual reputation, you can still benefit from the reputation of the collective.
    • Effort: Although secure communications are still important, it requires less effort than total anonymity.

More about this question : https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual#Creating_and_managing_identities_online

4 strategies to alter our digital shadow


Mobile / Smart Phone

How a mobile phone is working, triangulation, autorisations asked by applications, metadata, alternative operating system, signed applciations, rooting and jailbreaking

Encrypt your phone, pass phrase, use FLOSS applications

Recommended softwares to communicate and exchange :

Mobile applications renowned as safe in june 2016

Always check on https://securityinabox.org/en/mobile-tools to see if an application is still safe

  • SMSSecure
  • Signal
  • Telegraph et Snapchat (not FLOSS but end to end encryption)
  • Orbot + Orweb (web browsing threw Tor network)
  • keepassDroid
  • Android Privacy Guard (emails + GPG)
  • Obscuracam to hide people's face

Free your phone

Specific questions

How can I ask Google to forget about me

How can I create a mobile application from a responsive design web site

At the end, no straight easy answer (yet), some resources :

Good practices, a synthesis

Backup, strong pass phrase, FLOSS Opératiing system and softwares, Autonomous infrastructure (Yunohost, non commercial), holistic security, update of the threat model network of trust, Safe spaces

After the workshop, what would you

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Keep

doing ...

Identifying good resources
