
Complete manual/201/en

From Gender and Tech Resources

  • Anonbox: ( is a service provided by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) that gives you a mailbox for a day.
  • Guerilla Mail: ( lets you choose your email id and holds any mail you receive to it in a mailbox for one hour.
  • BugMeNot: ( allows people to share their email logins and passwords created for platforms with free registration, for anyone to use.
  • Another option is to set up a mail alias. This a different email address that is connected to your main mailbox. The advantages of this approach are that this email account will not expire, and if it gets compromised you can just dispose of it and create a new one. But beware that it is very easy to check what the source email address (i.e., your main email address) is, so don't use this method when you really need to disguise your identity.