Holistic Security, Train Of Trainers, Germany

From Gender and Tech Resources

(Redirected from Holistic Security, Train Of Trainers, Berlin)
Title Holistic Security, Training of Advanced Security Trainers (TOAST)
Category Digital Security Gender and Tech
Start 2015/04/20
End 2015/04/24
Scale Berlin, Germany
Geolocalization 52° 31' 12", 13° 24' 17"
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Organisation Tactical Technology Collective
Website https://tacticaltech.org/
Target audience Security Trainers, Self care Trainers, Digital Security Trainers
Number of participants 26
Context and motivations This was the key event for the part of the holistic security project which is focuesd on fostering best practices and community-building among security trainers. The objectives of the TOAST were as follows:
  • Identify and build the cross-domain knowledge necessary to improve trainers' own security and well-being in the course of their work
  • Learn, co-create and practice new exercises, and approaches for trainers from each domain to integrate in their trainings
  • Identify avenues of collaboration with participants from different domains
  • In the context of Tactical Tech's ongoing work (with partner organisations) on holistic security resources for human rights defenders and trainers, to explore and ideally agree upon a common framework and language for security, protection and well-being of HRDs across domains.
  • Contribute to the fortification of a collaborative cross-domain network of trainers
Topics Holistic security, well-being, risk analysis, digital security, gender, emergency response, travel security, communication security
Links Articles, videos, photos on-line, ...
Media [[File:]]
Methodologies participative 'unconferencing' format.


Resources Workbook on secuirty for human rights defenders: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/files/workbook_eng.pdf

Integrated Secuirty Manual: http://integratedsecuritymanual.org protection manual for human rights defenders http://protectioninternational.org/publication/new-protection-manual-for-human-rights-defenders-3rd-edition/ pbi mexico: programa de asesorias en seguridad y protección - guía de facilitacion: http://www.pbi-mexico.org/fileadmin/user_files/projects/mexico/images/News/Reducido_GuiaFacilitacion.pdf

Feedbacks Extremely positive