Gender and Tech curricula sprint event, Berlin
From Gender and Tech Resources
Title | Gender and Tech Curriculum Development event |
Category | Privacy Advocacy Digital Security Gender and Tech |
Start | 2018/04/23 |
End | 2018/07/27 |
Hours | 35 |
Scale | World level for international activities |
Geolocalization | 52° 26' 54", 13° 37' 44"
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Organisation | Tactical Technology Collective |
Website | |
Target audience | Curricula developers, digital security, privacy activits, cyberfeminists |
Number of participants | 20 |
Context and motivations | All of our Gender and Tech’s curriculum has been developed since 2014 for specific events called the Gender and Technology Institutes (GTI). Most of the curriculum is available in our Gendersec wiki1 and has been developed either by the facilitators at the GTIs or by participants at the GTIs. The current contents listed in the gendersec wiki comes from the following sources:
Curriculum developed for GTI 1 (in Berlin), 2 (in Ecuador), 3 (in Malaysia) and 4 (in Panama). Holistic Security Train of Trainers’s event. Content from MyShadow’s project ( Sessions developed by the community of GTI trainees and facilitators themselves. This wiki is also dedicated to document initiatives around gender and tech, privacy and digital security that are organized by the participants at any of the GTIs. It aims to make those initiatives visible, provide a usable platform for sharing documentation and enable knowledge transfer between the different participants, organizations and networks involved. Also, participants can create new entries under the following broad categories: Activitiesː For the documentation of workshops and trainings related to gender and tech, privacy and/or digital security organized on the ground. Its template allows to provide contextual information, agendas, resources used and learning outcomes. Tutorialsː To document methodologies, processes and exercises on how to teach others about topics related to gender and tech, privacy and holistic and digital security. HowTosː Documentation on how we can learn ourselves about specific topics related to gender and tech, privacy and digital security. Storytellingː For sharing personal stories and experiences about becoming a privacy advocate and/or a digital security trainer. In this wiki you will also find the manual “Zen and the art of making tech work for you1”, which is the result of a collaborative effort that has involved our growing community of women and trans* activists, human rights defenders and technologists. The material included in this manual was created in 2015 in response to our community’s requests for ideas and guidance on coverage of topics they needed, but couldn’t find elsewhere. The manual has been written originally in English and reviewed by over 20 women from 19 different countries. It was then voluntary translated to Spanish2 in a self-organized effort by our network of cyber feminists from Latino America in 2016. Moving and opening the curriculum So far the curriculum has been developed by and for participants and facilitators at the GTIs and to use later in trainings and sessions to raise awareness by GTI participants in their own communities and networks. Now we want to further develop our curriculum to open it up to a broader community of women, gender dissidents, non binary and LGTIQ people from around the world. The idea is to create a curriculum that can be access online. This curriculum will primarily target people who are organizing and facilitating awareness raising activities or trainings dealing with gender and tech, and/or privacy, and/or data politics, and/or digital security, and/or holistic security. This means that the primary target audience of the curriculum is not end users but rather trainers/facilitators/advocates/champions. Nonetheless the curriculum should be accessible and inclusive enough to become a relevant source for self learning for end users as well. One important audience we want also to reach out are politically active women. The goals for this curriculum development sprint are: Reframe our currently available curriculum into new formats (in Annex 2 you will find the templates that we will be using. One is for short activities and the other one for LSE, Learning Structured Experiences). Technically we will move the entire curriculum’s content to a git repository. We want to adopt the same underlying logic that is used for the curriculum’s repository of My Shadow: Depending on the sessions, there will be different needs, ranging from changing items from a “How to format” to a “Tutorial format”, changing from “How Tos” to “Resource materials”, reframe into current curriculum’s template structures, update references and examples, further development of the gender and tech/feminist perspectives and/or creating new sessions from scratch. We are sending you a table (Annex 1 p°18) listing all the current available sessions (25 sessions) and all the new sessions (23 in total) that we would like to create. We kindly ask you to pick up a selection of eight sessions you would ideally like to work on. It would be great if you could pick up 4 sessions that are available (that need work reframing them) and 4 new sessions that need to be created from scratch. We kindly ask you to pick the sessions where you feel that your knowledge, skills and motivations can nicely mix to contribute. With this initial mapping of interests we will try to create teams of 3 people working together in creating those sessions. We will adjust the workflow within our agenda proposal and discuss it more deeply with all of you on the first day of the meeting. We will also have some people from Tactical Tech that are maintaining and developing our git repositories. HOWEVER we do not ask you to master git before joining us. We will work on the templates of the repository using etherpads that can be exported later to markdown. The event and the curriculum’s production will be held in English. However some of us, who are bilingual, will be working on translating current sessions that currently are only available in Spanish to English. The final version of the curriculum should be available in English and Spanish and we might also have funds for a third language (to be discussed in our gathering). Finally, please remember that your work as a contributor to the curriculum will be credited and that each session will credit those who have been shaping it. |
Topics | gender and tech, privacy, digital security, curricula, git, documentation, ADIDS |
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Gendersec |
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